Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Upon the Sea of Glass

Holy Comforter World Retreat 

Crystalline Sea of Glass Amphitheatrum

Upon the Sea of Glass Gazette 

The Edentia Society of Jerusem
Edentia World Cultural Center 

The Great Gathering Field and Receiving Station of the various Universe Orders - Angelic, Human, Animal, Electron, Nature, and Elemental Kingdoms

The Unique Assemblages of Social and Spiritual Fellowship

The Crystalline Sea of Glass Amphitheatrum is the Great Unifier and Integrator 

The Planetary Broadcasting-Receiving Station of Urantia, as the Planetary Civilization is gradually reconnected with the System, Constellation, Milky Way Galaxy, and the greater Nebadon Universe 

"And it is in this manner that continual foretastes of advancing beauty and grandeur are afforded the mortal survivors as they journey inward on the eternal adventure." - An Archangel of Nebadon 

The Upon the Sea of Glass Gazette shapes the public's perception of Salvington Triune Campus.

The Upon the Sea of Glass Gazette and the Crystalline Sea of Glass Amphitheatrum foster our Virtual Communities, Collegial Culture, Communion Spirit Retreats, Worldwide Conferences, World Server Conclaves, Adonai Concerts, and more…

The Gazette, the Amphitheatrum, the City, all coordinate our presentation to the planet .. the Conclaves and Conferences,  the Communions and Communities shape our  presentation to the public. And it's usually all presentation which determines the greater interest.

The Gazette also presents the Planetary Prince Global Trinitarian Initiatives of Education, Engagement, Evolutionizing Empowerment, Emergence, and the Eternalizing Impulses for Humanity.

Upon the Sea of Glass Gazette
Crystalline Sea of Glass Amphitheatrum 

Citizenship on Edentia
The Urantia Book; Paper 43, Section 9

P495:3, 43:9.1 After graduation from world number seventy, ascending mortals take up residence on Edentia. Ascenders now, for the first time, attend the "assemblies of Paradise" and hear the story of their far-flung career as it is depicted by the Faithful of Days, the first of the Supreme Trinity-origin Personalities they have met.

P495:4, 43:9.2 This entire sojourn on the constellation training worlds, culminating in Edentia citizenship, is a period of true and heavenly bliss for the morontia progressors. Throughout your sojourn on the system worlds you were evolving from a near-animal to a morontia creature; you were more material than spiritual. On the Salvington spheres you will be evolving from a morontia being to the status of a true spirit; you will be more spiritual than material. But on Edentia, ascenders are midway between their former and their future estates, midway in their passage from evolutionary animal to ascending spirit. During your whole stay on Edentia and its worlds you are "as the angels"; you are constantly progressing but all the while maintaining a general and a typical morontia status.

P495:5, 43:9.3 This constellation sojourn of an ascending mortal is the most uniform and stabilized epoch in the entire career of morontia progression. This experience constitutes the prespirit socialization training of the ascenders. It is analogous to the prefinaliter spiritual experience of Havona and to the preabsonite training on Paradise.

P495:6, 43:9.4 Ascending mortals on Edentia are chiefly occupied with the assignments on the seventy progressive univitatia worlds. They also serve in varied capacities on Edentia itself, mainly in conjunction with the constellation program concerned with group, racial, national, and planetary welfare. The Most Highs are not so much engaged in fostering individual advancement on the inhabited worlds; they rule in the kingdoms of men rather than in the hearts of individuals.

P495:7, 43:9.5 And on that day when you are prepared to leave Edentia for the Salvington career, you will pause and look back on one of the most beautiful and most refreshing of all your epochs of training this side of Paradise. But the glory of it all augments as you ascend inward and achieve increased capacity for enlarged appreciation of divine meanings and spiritual values.

P496:1, 43:9.6 [Sponsored by Malavatia Melchizedek.]
The sea of glass, the receiving area of Edentia, is near the administrative center and is encircled by the headquarters amphitheater. Surrounding this area are the governing centers for the seventy divisions of constellation affairs. One half of Edentia is divided into seventy triangular sections, whose boundaries converge at the headquarters buildings of their respective sectors. The remainder of this sphere is one vast natural park, the gardens of God.

43:1.10 [Part II]
The Edentia sea of glass is one enormous circular crystal about one hundred miles in circumference and about thirty miles in depth. This magnificent crystal serves as the receiving field for all transport seraphim and other beings arriving from points outside the sphere; such a sea of glass greatly facilitates the landing of transport seraphim.

45:2.6 [Part II]

These unique assemblages occur on the sea of glass, the great gathering field of the system capital. They are purely social and spiritual occasions; nothing pertaining to the planetary administration or even to the ascendant plan is ever discussed. Ascending mortals come together at these times merely to enjoy themselves and to meet their fellow Jerusemites. Those groups which are not being entertained by the Sovereign at these weekly relaxations meet at their own headquarters.

46:2.9 [Part II]

Transports arrive on the crystal field, the so-called sea of glass. Around this area are the receiving stations for the various orders of beings who traverse space by seraphic transport. Near the polar crystal receiving station for student visitors you may ascend the pearly observatory and view the immense relief map of the entire headquarters planet.

46:3.1 [Part II]

The superuniverse and Paradise-Havona broadcasts are received on Jerusem in liaison with Salvington and by a technique involving the polar crystal, the sea of glass. In addition to provisions for the reception of these extra-Nebadon communications, there are three distinct groups of receiving stations. These separate but tricircular groups of stations are adjusted to the reception of broadcasts from the local worlds, from the constellation headquarters, and from the capital of the local universe. All these broadcasts are automatically displayed so as to be discernible by all types of beings present in the central broadcast amphitheater; of all preoccupations for an ascendant mortal on Jerusem, none is more engaging and engrossing than that of listening in on the never-ending stream of universe space reports.

46:3.3 [Part II]
At this broadcast-receiving amphitheater the Salvington messages are coming in continuously. Near by, the Edentia word of the Most High Constellation Fathers is received at least once a day. Periodically the regular and special broadcasts of Uversa are relayed through Salvington, and when Paradise messages are in reception, the entire population is assembled around the sea of glass, and the Uversa friends add the reflectivity phenomena to the technique of the Paradise broadcast so that everything heard becomes visible. And it is in this manner that continual foretastes of advancing beauty and grandeur are afforded the mortal survivors as they journey inward on the eternal adventure.

47:4.3 [Part II]

As you ascend the mansion worlds one by one, they become more crowded with the morontia activities of advancing survivors. As you go forward, you will recognize more and more of the Jerusem features added to the mansion worlds. The sea of glass makes its appearance on the second mansonia.

47:9.4 [Part II]

The personnel of the seventh mansonia assemble on the sea of glass to witness your departure for Jerusem with residential status. Hundreds or thousands of times you may have visited Jerusem, but always as a guest; never before have you proceeded toward the system capital in the company of a group of your fellows who were bidding an eternal farewell to the whole mansonia career as ascending mortals. You will soon be welcomed on the receiving field of the headquarters world as Jerusem citizens.

47:10.2 [Part II]

John the Revelator saw a vision of the arrival of a class of advancing mortals from the seventh mansion world to their first heaven, the glories of Jerusem. He recorded: "And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire; and those who had gained the victory over the beast that was originally in them and over the image that persisted through the mansion worlds and finally over the last mark and trace, standing on the sea of glass, having the harps of God, and singing the song of deliverance from mortal fear and death." (Perfected space communication is to be had on all these worlds; and your anywhere reception of such communications is made possible by carrying the "harp of God," a morontia contrivance compensating for the inability to directly adjust the immature morontia sensory mechanism to the reception of space communications.)

Once a week, every ten days on Jerusem, the Sovereign holds a conclave with some one group of the various orders of personalities domiciled on the headquarters world. These are the charmingly informal hours of Jerusem, and they are never-to-be-forgotten occasions. On Jerusem there exists the utmost fraternity between all the various orders of beings and between each of these groups and the System Sovereign.

(511.6) 45:2.6 These unique assemblages occur on the sea of glass, the great gathering field of the system capital. They are purely social and spiritual occasions; nothing pertaining to the planetary administration or even to the ascendant plan is ever discussed. Ascending mortals come together at these times merely to enjoy themselves and to meet their fellow Jerusemites. Those groups which are not being entertained by the Sovereign at these weekly relaxations meet at their own headquarters.

Holy Comforter World Retreat 

Upon the Sea of Glass Gazette

Crystalline Sea of Glass Amphitheatrum 

Edentia World Cultural Center

The Great Gathering Field and Receiving Station of the various Universe Orders - Angelic, Human, Animal, Electron, Nature, and Elemental Kingdoms

The Unique Assemblages of Personalities for Social and Spiritual Fellowship

The Crystalline Sea of Glass Amphitheatrum is the Great Unifier and Integrator of the various Kingdoms giving updates on the State of the Universe 

The Planetary Broadcasting-Receiving Station of Urantia, as the Planetary Civilization is gradually reconnected with the System, Constellation, Milky Way Galaxy, and the greater Nebadon Universe 

"And it is in this manner that continual foretastes of advancing beauty and grandeur are afforded the mortal survivors as they journey inward on the eternal adventure."

An Archangel of Nebadon 

The Upon the Sea of Glass Gazette shapes the public's perception of Salvington Triune Campus.

The Upon the Sea of Glass Gazette and the Crystalline Sea of Glass Amphitheatrum foster our Virtual Communities, Collegial Culture, Communion Spirit Retreats, Worldwide Conferences, World Server Conclaves, Adonai Concerts, and more…

The Gazette, the Amphitheatrum, the City, all coordinate our presentation to the planet .. the Conclaves and Conferences,  the Communions and Communities shape our presentation to the public. 

And it's our  presentation to the civilization which shall determine the greater interest .. stoking the embers of the hearts of humanity 

The Gazette and Amphitheatrum also present the Planetary Prince Global Trinitarian Initiatives for the Education, Engagement, Evolutionizing Empowerment, Emergence, and Eternalizing Impulses of Humanity.

Upon the Sea of Glass Gazette

Crystalline Sea of Glass Amphitheatrum

Global Trinitarian Initiatives... 

Michael's Plan to bring a new revelation and give the illumination of the real meaning behind the revelation 

Beginning the Public Work in the Rehabilitation, Regeneration, & Restoration of the Planetary Epochs

progressing epochs of planetary progress towards the culminating  inauguration of the era of light and life

all phases of intellectual progress, soul emergence, and spiritual attainment

the progress of civilization and world affairs in presenting enlarged concepts of Deity and Divinity

the advancement of truth in our endeavor to expand cosmic consciousness and enhance spiritual perception

the unfoldment of the individual mortal evolution and soul-spirit attainment

planetary development along physical, intellectual, and social lines, all evolutionary spheres progress in certain well-defined directions

the planetary schools of training and culture are a world center of culture and achievement, and there gradually radiates to all peoples an uplifting and civilizing influence which slowly and certainly transforms the evolutionary races establishing new and potent centers of learning and culture which carry on according to the plan of the prince’s schools

plans for planetary progress and cultural advancement to uphold the planetary concepts of truth and righteousness

knowledge of the Father’s rule and preserving for the world races the concept of the successive planetary dispensations of the various orders of divine Sons

design to foster the development of planetary civilization by enlarging those conceivings of things, meanings, and values of universal reality.

fostering the development of the planetary civilization and its global spiritual culture

designing the way of planetary progress towards the ascendancy of light and life 

nurturing the planetary impulse and guiding the cultural advancement for the ages

preparing the individual personality mind, will, and soul for cosmic consciousness, spiritual insight, divine perception, and the attainment integration of universal citizenship

promoting the spiritual evolutionary attainment of every people in the planetary human culture, arts, and 
world civilization

to induce the world culture and planetary civilization to make certain initial advances in culture and civilization first

training and inspiring student world servers as teachers and leaders of their respective peoples

Ennobling, Enhancing, Evolving, and Eternalizing all Personality and Character and Ascendant Attributes .. Human and Divine Nature of Mercy .. Soul and Spirit Divinity.

The Primal Son and his Sons are engaged in making a universal revelation of the spiritual and personal nature of the Father to all creation. 

In the central universe, the superuniverses, the local universes, or on the inhabited planets, it is a Paradise Son who reveals the Universal Father to men and angels. 

The Eternal Son and his Sons reveal the avenue of creature approach to the Universal Father. 

And even we of high origin understand the Father much more fully as we study the revelation of his character and personality in the Eternal Son and in the Sons of the Eternal Son. 

Michael Of Nebadon

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