Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Salvington University

Primus Trimestre 2020 begins on January 1st 2020.

Planetary Fellowship with Like-minded People

Digital Campus Accessible from Everywhere

Worldwide Communities & Stimulating Groups

Wisdom Colleges 
Ascendancy Retreats 
Halls of Illumination

Collegiality amongst Sincere Students and Collaboration of  Learning Together

Spirit Retreats & 
Transformational Conclaves

At Home Campus Amphitheatrum

Private and Public Bilingual Conferences

University Quality Lectures with Translation into Spanish and French
Supportive Online Classrooms and Activities

Schools of Trinitarian Ordination and Service

Write to us at our Office of Admissions

University of Salvington

Friday, December 6, 2019

Global Village of the Spirit of Truth

Global Initiatives and Mission
progressing epochs of planetary progress towards the culminating  inauguration of the era of light and life
all phases of intellectual progress, soul emergence, and spiritual attainment
the progress of civilization and world affairs in presenting enlarged concepts of Deity and Divinity
the advancement of truth in our endeavor to expand cosmic consciousness and enhance spiritual perception
the unfoldment of the individual mortal evolution and soul-spirit attainment
planetary development along physical, intellectual, and social lines, all evolutionary spheres progress in certain well-defined directions
the planetary schools of training and culture are a world center of culture and achievement, and there gradually radiates to all peoples an uplifting and civilizing influence which slowly and certainly transforms the evolutionary races
establishing new and potent centers of learning and culture which carry on according to the plan of the prince’s schools
plans for planetary progress and cultural advancement to uphold the planetary concepts of truth and righteousness
knowledge of the Father’s rule and preserving for the world races the concept of the successive planetary dispensations of the various orders of divine Sons
design to foster the development of planetary civilization by enlarging those conceivings of things, meanings, and values of universal reality.
fostering the development of the planetary civilization and its global spiritual culture
designing the way of planetary progress towards the ascendancy of light and life

nurturing the planetary impulse and guiding the cultural advancement for the ages
preparing the individual personality mind, will, and soul for cosmic consciousness, spiritual insight, divine perception, and the attainment integration of universal citizenship
promoting the spiritual evolutionary attainment of every people in the planetary human culture, arts, and
world civilization
to induce the world culture and planetary civilization to make certain initial advances in culture and civilization first
training and inspiring student world servers as teachers and leaders of their respective peoples

Salvington University 
On Campus Lecture Series

Global Village Of the World Server
University Of Salvington Lecture Series
Sovereign Strategies for Living
Sovereignty and Significance. Radical and Transformative Strategies that empower individuals to unleash their creativity—to pursue their dreams.
Finding a life of Meaningful Contribution, Soul Purpose, Divine Direction, Personal Significance, and Individual Happiness - Strategies to enhancing life's values, and heightening our decision-making prowess.
Meaning .. Purpose .. Direction .. Significance .. Lasting Happiness
Meaning and Motivation .. Purpose and Purity .. Direction and Discernment .. Truthfulness and Integrity .. Silence and Significance .. Joyfulness and Happiness
These are the heritage of humanity...
Learnings for a Lifetime
Learn and grow with Salvington Online from anywhere in the world, wherever you are in your life's journey.
Salvington Community
Join a global network of learners. Explore our map to see how many people across the world are a part of Stanford Online.
Salvington Strategies 
Salvington Online empowers you to learn with Salvington faculty throughout your life and from almost anywhere in the world. 
Extending the Salvington experience far beyond our private campus, we offer a rich variety of non-residential educational opportunities tailored to learners of different ages, regions, and backgrounds, giving you access to Salvington faculty and their research and experience at almost every stage in your life and career.
Our offerings range from individual recorded lectures, podcasts, and conferences to interactive online classes on our digital distance learning campus, to graduate and professional levels of gaining wisdom and experience in the safety of our collegial culture, to fully accelerated Salvington graduate quality educational opportunities to advance your personal and professional development, allowing you to meet your personal dreams, professional hopes, and those lifetime visions which you hold most dear, and at the level of commitment and academic rigor that’s right for you.
Every Salvington Online offering is created by one or more of the university’s world class educators, and is developed in partnership with Salvington experts in digital learning. Many also feature the leading thinkers, educators, entrepreneurs, and innovators who regularly share their insights and perspectives with the Salvington community.
Experience the unfoldment of your own potentials of wisdom in gaining a greater comprehension of the knowledge of things; the realization of meanings; the appreciation of values and virtues ; the nobility of work--duty; the motivation of goals of morality; the love of service--character; and the deeper fulfillments of cosmic insight and spiritual discernment.
Truth brings forth Objectivity carrying the aspirant beyond the borders of their own subjective opinions.

Truth makes the unknown to be known. Always, the prior condition before knowing blossoms is unknowing.

Verily verily .. I sayeth to the minds of the populace .. begin with human truthfulness and honesty regardless of the circumstances and ripple effects.

Truthfulness rearranges each individual personality closer to Truth. This is the great unerring lubricant allowing God's Absoluteness to emerge in your life.

Truth leads you to establish your Jerusem Citizenship wherein a permanence of eternal freedom is given.

Truth is the key element which the planetary culture must sooner or later cultivate and nurture;  thusly, to enter the world of the individual personality allowing all meanings to clarify and values to illumine the personality soul. 
Truth allows certainty to emerge in the life of the individual. And this said certainty of Truth establishes security. It paves the way for stability and an absoluteness flourishes in the life of the person, so much so that all things become ordered and harmonious. Truth develops righteousness of purpose and rectitude of character. 
Truth fosters this empowering moral certitude in character and consciousness. It nourishes joyfulness, and an unconditional happiness matures and develops for the individual, so much so that, the individual personality becomes a sovereign creature living beyond the reach of mere mortal thought and emotion. 
Truth elevates and illuminates the way of this sovereignty of mind and heart and even body physical. Truth propels the individual into a kind of mastery over all energies and vibratory influences. All activities are known then to be the effects, as Truth is Cause, and the individual who dares to raise themselves into Truthful living discovers themselves to be a Creative Cause upon which all circumstances in their environment are recognized to be their effects. 
Truth reorchestrates the mortal life, and it reorders the effectual life of the individual into this absoluteness of being the Creative Cause of everything in their world. The individual in their consciousness becomes Cause unto their own Life; and this is their salvation and empowerment. 
Truth hails from regions well beyond time and space, and as such, it can lead the personality into groves of splendour and glory; for Truth is of the Fountainhead of the Source of all Thought and the Cause of Cause of every Life. 
Truth acquaints the individual personality with that which is the reliable, the sturdy, the everlasting, and the incorruptible One.
...and in just this simplicity of understanding .. this untainted knowledge .. will the individual mortal personality find itself raised into right relationship to everything and everyone .. and in this right relationship and rightful place in life .. joyfulness abounds and happiness flourishes for the individual as each one becomes the Self-Directive Governing Agent for their own life and world.
Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, November 15, 2019

La Intimidad de Oración

La Intimidad de Oración Plena con Rectitud

Yo os enseño la práctica de pedirle a Dios el Padre ... primero, en su morada más localizada y segundo, en su Residencia del Paraíso en el Centro y la Fuente.

Pedidle con un corazón claro, una fe inconquistable, una confianza invencible, una empoderadora autenticidad.

Las peticiones de la Comunión de Intimidad de Oración Plena tal como Yo os muestro con los poderes del reino del libre albedrío.

Vuestra oración es verdaderamente la vida que vosotros vivís con la visión, las verdades y las voliciones que Yo os enseño en nuestro Seminario de la University Of Salvington.

La Oración refresca y renueva y rejuvenece y reaviva cuando es abordada con intenciones espontáneamente sinceras ... motivaciones verdaderamente humildes.

La Comunión de Intimidad de Oración Plena  es vuestro destino libertador. 

Nuevamente Yo os digo ...

Acércaos a vuestra reciprocidad de relación conmigo y con el Espíritu del Padre Hijo entendiendo el camino de vuestro lugar en el Universo.

Acercaos a la Paternidad de Dios de manera apropiada, y siempre tendréis una respuesta a vuestra oración de petición.

Orad pidiendo comprensión acerca de la verdad de Dios ... para alinearos con la bondad de Dios … por la salvación de todas vuestras impresiones y expresiones personales ... estas son pedidas correctamente y con obediencia y disciplina.

Pedid y se os dará; buscad y encontraréis; llamad y se os abrirá. Por cada uno que pregunte de la manera correcta y con el entendimiento de que vosotros os convertireis en la extensión de Dios, éstos unos siempre recibiréis; él y ella que buscáis encontraréis cuando vuestra búsqueda sea expandir la Vida de la Presencia del Padre; y a ella y a él que golpeáis asertivamente y también receptivamente, se os abrirá la puerta de la salvación.

Sed persistentes en vuestras peticiones de oración ... y perseverad en orar por la Totalidad y por la disolución de la iniquidad, y rezad para no tener la intención de que vuestras peticiones de oración cambien al Padre justo y recto de arriba; porque esto sería inconsistente con los caminos del cielo.

Vuestra persistencia de personalidad sincera no es ganar el favor de Dios ni influir en él para que haga vuestra voluntad y vuestra agenda ... sin embargo, la Comunión de Intimidad de Oración Plena os reorganiza a vosotros para alinearos con él.

La Comunión de la Intimidad de Oración Plena cambia vuestras actitudes terrenales ... aumenta la capacidad de vuestra alma para la receptividad espiritual y la relación humilde.

(1619.4) 144:2.6  “Pero cuando oráis, ejercitáis tan poca fe. La fe genuina eliminará montañas de dificultad material que podáis tener la oportunidad de encontrar en el camino de la expansión del alma y el progreso espiritual.

Enséñanos a nosotros cómo orar aceptablemente al Padre en el cielo.

(1619.6) 144: 3.2 Cuando Santiago terminó de hablar, Jesús dijo: "Si, entonces, todavía deseáis esa oración, Yo os presentaría la que les enseñé a mis hermanos y hermanas en Nazaret":
(1620.1) 144: 3.3 Nuestro Padre que está en los cielos,

(1620.2) 144: 3.4 Santificado sea tu nombre,

(1620.3) 144: 3.5 Venga tu reino; tu voluntad será hecha

(1620.4) 144: 3.6 En la tierra como en el cielo.

(1620.5) 144: 3.7 Danos hoy nuestro pan para mañana;

(1620.6) 144: 3.8 Refresca nuestras almas con el agua de la vida.

(1620.7) 144: 3.9 Y perdónanos cada una de nuestras deudas

(1620.8) 144: 3.10 Así como también hemos perdonado a nuestros deudores.

(1620.9) 144: 3.11 Sálvanos en la tentación, pero líbranos del mal,

(1620.10) 144: 3.12 Y haznos cada vez más perfectos como tú mismo.

(1620.11) 144: 3.13 No es extraño que los apóstoles quisieran que Jesús les enseñara una oración modelo para los creyentes. Juan el Bautista había enseñado a sus seguidores varias oraciones; Todos los grandes maestros habían formulado oraciones para sus alumnos. Los maestros religiosos de los judíos tenían unas veinticinco o treinta oraciones establecidas que recitaban en las sinagogas e incluso en las esquinas. Jesús era particularmente reacio a orar en público. Hasta ese momento, los doce lo habían escuchado rezar solo unas pocas veces. Lo observaron pasar noches enteras en oración o adoración, y tenían mucha curiosidad por saber la manera o la forma de sus peticiones. Les costaba mucho saber qué responder a las multitudes cuando pidieron que se les enseñara a orar como Juan había enseñado a sus discípulos.

(1620.12) 144: 3.14 Jesús enseñó a los doce a rezar siempre en secreto; irse solos en medio de los tranquilos alrededores de la naturaleza o ir a sus habitaciones y cerrar las puertas cuando ellos estaban dedicados a la oración.

(1620.13) 144: 3.15 Después de la muerte y ascensión de Jesús al Padre, se convirtió en la práctica de muchos creyentes terminar esta supuesta oración del Señor con la adición de —  "En el nombre del Señor Jesucristo". dos líneas se perdieron al copiar, y se agregó a esta oración una cláusula adicional, que decía — "Para ti es el reino y el poder y la gloria, para siempre".

(1620.15) 144: 3.17 Jesús enseñó que la oración efectiva debe ser:

(1620.16) 144: 3.18 1. Desinteresada — no solo para uno mismo.

(1620.17) 144: 3.19 2. Crédula — según la fe.

(1620.18) 144: 3.20 3. Sincera — con honestidad de corazón.

(1620.19) 144: 3.21 4. Inteligente  — según la luz.

(1620.20) 144: 3.22 5. Confiada —  en sumisión a la voluntad plena de sabiduría del Padre.

(1620.21) 144: 3.23 Cuando Jesús pasó noches enteras en la montaña en oración, fue principalmente por sus discípulos, particularmente por los doce. El Maestro oró muy poco por sí mismo, aunque se comprometió a adorar mucho a la naturaleza de comprender la comunión con su Padre del Paraíso.

Michael Of Nebadon
Urantia Fellowship

Prayerful Intimacy with Righteousness 

I teach you the practice of petitioning God the Father .. first, in his more localized indwelling and second, in his Paradise Residence at the Center and Source.

Petition him with a clear heart, an unconquerable faith, an invincible trust, an empowering genuineness.

Petitions of Prayerful Intimacy Communion just as I show you with the free will kingdom powers.

Your prayer is truly the life you live with the vision, verities, and volitions I teach you in our Salvington University Seminary.

Prayer refreshes and renews and rejuvenates and reignites when approached with spontaneously sincere intentions .. genuinely humble motivations.

Prayerful Intimacy Communion is your destiny deliverer.

Again I sayeth to you... 

Approach your reciprocity of relationship with I and the Father Son Spirit by understanding the way of your place in the Universe.

Approach the Parenthood of God appropriately, and always will you have a response to your petitioning prayer.

Prayers asking for understanding of God's truth .. for alignment with God's goodness .. salvation of all your personal impressions and expressions .. these are asking rightly and with obedience and discipline.

Ask and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you. For every one who asks in the right way and with the understanding that you are to become God's extension, these ones shall always receive; he and she who seek shall find when their searching is to expand the Life of the Father's Presence; and to her and him who knock assertively and also receptively, the door of salvation shall be opened.

Be thou persistence in your prayerful petitions .. and persevere in praying for Wholeness and for the dissolving of call wickedness, and pray not to intend that your prayerful petitions change the just and righteous Father above; for this would be inconsistent with the ways of heaven.

Your wholehearted personality persistence is not to win favor with God nor to influence him to do your bidding and agenda .. yet Prayerful Intimacy Communion rearranges you into alignment with him.

Prayerful Intimacy Communion changes your earthly attitudes .. it  enlarges your soul’s capacity for spirit receptivity and humbling relationship.

(1619.4) 144:2.6 “But when you pray, you exercise so little faith. Genuine faith will remove mountains of material difficulty which may chance to lie in the path of soul expansion and spiritual progress.

Teach us how acceptably to pray to the Father in heaven.

(1619.6) 144:3.2 When James had finished speaking, Jesus said: “If, then, you still desire such a prayer, I would present the one which I taught my brothers and sisters in Nazareth”:

(1620.1) 144:3.3 Our Father who is in heaven,

(1620.2) 144:3.4  Hallowed be your name.

(1620.3) 144:3.5  Your kingdom come; your will be done

(1620.4) 144:3.6  On earth as it is in heaven.

(1620.5) 144:3.7  Give us this day our bread for tomorrow;

(1620.6) 144:3.8  Refresh our souls with the water of life.

(1620.7) 144:3.9  And forgive us every one our debts

(1620.8) 144:3.10  As we also have forgiven our debtors.

(1620.9) 144:3.11  Save us in temptation, deliver us from evil,

(1620.10) 144:3.12  And increasingly make us perfect like yourself.

(1620.11) 144:3.13 It is not strange that the apostles desired Jesus to teach them a model prayer for believers. John the Baptist had taught his followers several prayers; all great teachers had formulated prayers for their pupils. The religious teachers of the Jews had some twenty-five or thirty set prayers which they recited in the synagogues and even on the street corners. Jesus was particularly averse to praying in public. Up to this time the twelve had heard him pray only a few times. They observed him spending entire nights at prayer or worship, and they were very curious to know the manner or form of his petitions. They were really hard pressed to know what to answer the multitudes when they asked to be taught how to pray as John had taught his disciples.

(1620.12) 144:3.14 Jesus taught the twelve always to pray in secret; to go off by themselves amidst the quiet surroundings of nature or to go in their rooms and shut the doors when they engaged in prayer.

(1620.13) 144:3.15 After Jesus’ death and ascension to the Father it became the practice of many believers to finish this so-called Lord’s prayer by the addition of — “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Still later on, two lines were lost in copying, and there was added to this prayer an extra clause, reading: “For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forevermore.”

(1620.15) 144:3.17 Jesus taught that effective prayer must be:

(1620.16) 144:3.18 1. Unselfish — not alone for oneself.

(1620.17) 144:3.19 2. Believing — according to faith.

(1620.18) 144:3.20 3. Sincere — honest of heart.

(1620.19) 144:3.21 4. Intelligent — according to light.

(1620.20) 144:3.22 5. Trustful — in submission to the Father’s all-wise will.

(1620.21) 144:3.23 When Jesus spent whole nights on the mountain in prayer, it was mainly for his disciples, particularly for the twelve. The Master prayed very little for himself, although he engaged in much worship of the nature of understanding communion with his Paradise Father.

Michael Of Nebadon
Urantia Fellowship

Friday, November 8, 2019

Ye Shall Live On

At first you believe that you are the sons and daughters of God because My teaching has made you more conscious of the inner impulses, guidance, and spirit leadings of our Father’s indwelling presence .. but presently My Comforter Presence .. the Spirit of Truth .. is now with you as a personal guide and teacher, counselor and reveler, helper and instructor .. it hath been poured out upon all flesh, and I will live among men and women .. and teach all .. even as I now live amongst you in this 21st Century .. and speak to you the words of truth.

And this Spirit of Truth .. speaking for the spiritual endowments of your emerging immortal souls .. shall help you to know that you are the daughters and sons of God, and that this inherent sonship is an unfolding and emerging eternal reality. 

My Spirit will unfailingly bear witness with the Father’s indwelling presence which is your Life and Spirit Presence which must be expand and extended through your human life.  

For I sayeth unto they who shall listen without preconception and opinion .. you are in reality the sons and daughters of God, and this living reality shall become augmented .. increased .. developed .. ever further as you follow Me. 

Michael of Nebadon

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Salvington Spiritus Invictus

Salvington es la nueva escuela del príncipe planetario para toda la humanidad.

La Ascendencia Progresiva de cada persona individual se verá respaldada por Mi Administración Universal.

Spiritus Invictus
Espíritu Invicto

Luz Infinita
lux infiniti

Absoluto Amor por la Fuente
absolutum charitas ab origine

Vida Eterna
vitae aeterna

(1766.4) 159:3.8  El mundo está lleno de almas hambrientas que se mueren de hambre en presencia del pan de vida; los hombres mueren buscando al Dios que vive dentro de ellos. Los hombres buscan los tesoros del reino con corazones ansiosos y pies cansados cuando todos están al alcance inmediato de la fe viva.

La fe es para la religión lo que las velas son para un barco; Esta es una adición de poder, no una carga adicional de la vida.

Solo hay una lucha para aquellos que ingresan al reino, y es pelear la buena batalla de la fe. El creyente tiene una sola batalla, y eso es contra de la duda — la incredulidad.

Michael Of Nebadon
Christ Michael Planetary Initiatives

Salvington is the new school of the planetary prince for all humankind.

The Progressive Ascendancy of each individual personhood shall find themselves upheld by My Universal Administration.

Spiritus Invictus

Infinite Light
lux infiniti

Absolute Love of Source
absolutum charitas ab origine

Eternal Life
vitae aeterna

(1766.4) 159:3.8 The world is filled with hungry souls who famish in the very presence of the bread of life; men die searching for the very God who lives within them. Men seek for the treasures of the kingdom with yearning hearts and weary feet when they are all within the immediate grasp of living faith. 

Faith is to religion what sails are to a ship; it is an addition of power, not an added burden of life. 

There is but one struggle for those who enter the kingdom, and that is to fight the good fight of faith. The believer has only one battle, and that is against doubt — unbelief.

Michael Of Nebadon
Christ Michael Planetary Initiatives

Friday, November 1, 2019

Thine Soul Readiness and it's Receptivity Emerge

Normally by the time the Spirit of Truth is bestowed upon the race.. and before I might enter into the civilization .. the School of the Planetary Prince .. and the Material Son and Daughter .. and the Avonal Son Ministry and its Magisterial Mission has already taken place which tutors and spiritizes the mind .. which raises the biology into a greater refinement ..  which enhances mind receptivity for the natural and normal attraction to Eternity Values and Trinity Virtues and that Truth-bearing Vision which is the inevitable evolutionary advancement of the material, intellectual, mechanical, and analytical logical mind to achieve that differential impulse of pure worship and that differential urge for pure wisdom and that differential inclination for the higher associations .. and the development of the soul investiture .. the soul receptacle .. is well on it's way towards a readiness capacity for the Life of God Intimacy to blossom. 

Always have I taught that the Kingdom of the Heavenly One is not of this world .. and that all men and women are the sons  and daughters of God in potentialities and in reality. 

That each one shall find their liberty and freedom in the spiritual joy of the fellowship of the brotherhood of loving service in this new kingdom of the truth of the heavenly Father's love.

Do you not recall how the Son of Man that I am hath always proclaimed the salvation of God for all creatures great and small .. that always do I come ministering to the sick and the fragile minded and those who are afflicted .. and ever do I reach to those desirous of living the will of the Father .. setting free those who are bound by fear and enslaved by evil, confusion, and often iniquities. 

Do you not know that I teach and guide my disciples that salvation cometh for those in the North and South .. the East and West .. in so far as each one enters into our covenant of partnership .. our engagement of eternity.

In him and her who live as I am living amongst you .. shall all be blessed by an augmentation of their  knowledge of themselves .. an advancement in their understanding relationship with the Trinity Parenthood. 

That all families of the earth shall be blessed by their increased conceivings and their maturing alignments and loyalties. 

That each one with a priority for achieving soul maturity shall discover an enhancement in their receptivity of truth and love. 

I come .. listening and attending to Mine children always. I hear the cry of the needy and I save the souls of the poor who seek Me; that all nations shall call themselves blessed by their discipleship with Me.

That My giving of healing deliverance shall be as the eternal balm of refreshment .. a great oasis  in a land weary and dry of love. 

That I feed the children of the earth like a true shepherd. I gather the lambs in My Universal Arms .. I tenderly carry each in the bosom of the Father Son Spirit. 

That I open the eyes of the spiritually blind .. I bringeth  the prisoners of despair and desperation out into full liberty and light.

That all who sit in darkness shall see the great light of eternal salvation by understanding the Father's Plan and Purpose. 

That I bind up the brokenhearted .. I proclaim liberty to the captives of sin and misfortune. I open up the doors of the prison house to those who are enslaved by fear and bound by evil. 

That I comfort those who mourn and bestow upon them the joy of salvation in the place of sorrow and heaviness. 

That I attend to each member of My Body Universal .. in this I shall be the desire of all nations and the everlasting joy of those who seek righteousness. 

That this Son of Truth I am shall focalize each receptive heart into their eternalizing salvation wherein righteousness shall rise upon the world with healing light and saving power.

That I will save My people from their sins; that I shall seek out and save those who are lost in subjectivity and suffering error. 

That I will not destroy the weak and the tender .. yet I shall minister salvation to all who hunger and thirst for righteousness and relationship with the Universal Father. 

That those who believe in Me shall have their eventual victory in eternal life. 

That I will pour out My Comforter Spirit upon all flesh, and that this Spirit of Truth shall be in each believer a well of living water springing up into life everlasting. 

Do you presently  understand how great is the gospel of this eternal  kingdom which I deliver to you once again with an even greater revelation and remembrance? 

Do you each perceive how great a salvation hath come upon you as I am here with you in flesh and in Spirit Force?

Michael Of Nebadon

Christ Michael Planetary Initiatives

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Universal Love Flourishes with Humility and Honor

I sayeth unto you .. enter now into the Father's Life by your gift of free will choice. 

Choose with faithfulness to understand all that is necessary for your freedom to emerge.

The Kingdom of the Heavens is God's everywhereness .. his omnipresence which is as the Universal Fabric and omnipotent Substance of existence.

I teach thee to arise into Wholeness .. just as I show you the way by My example.

Aspire upwards .. be thou inclined to knoweth the Lord thy God I am .. attend to My Life in thee .. shepherd My flock by mastering thine personhood.

The Kingdom of God is a vast estate which is your holy inheritance awaiting thee to come and partake of Me.

The way is through thine Individualized God Life .. thine Image in the Father's Absoluteness.

The truth is by thine purity of character in the righteous decisions which you make towards loyalty with Me.

I come .. Father Son Spirit .. with the Universe Mother Spirit .. with the mighty Planetary Host .. to pierce the veils of thine unknowable selfhood; so that you are bidden to walk upreaching to Me .. an uprightness shall develop .. an upliftment shall emerge as you becometh My son and daughter of holiness and humility in the One Absoluteness of the Father's Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, October 21, 2019

Progressions unto Glory and Dignity

Peace be upon you all. Greetings unto each one of you who have heard the call in your heart to come forth to be mine representatives upon the Earth. 

Those children of the planetary evolutionary stream of advancement come forth into the fellowship in the Kingdom of heaven. Doubt not. Linger not in confusion nor in superficial meanderings. Choose wholeheartedly to follow the light of truth with a whole heart and a clear conscience and mind .. a devoted will to bring forth the Life of the Father's Kingdom.

Good day unto all. Peace be ever and always with you...

Our covenant of partnership brings to the apostle the unconquerable possession of a new courage and augmented spiritual power. 

The gospel of the kingdom is to set humankind free eternally and inspire her and him to dare to hope for eternal life by these requisites of approaching the Father's Life which I am presently revealing to those individuals with the eye of their faith vision awakening and capable of recognizing Me in the here and now .. the ear of their righteousness of hearing with the capacity of  thirsting for truth sufficient to learn and grow by participating and partaking of Me.

In this My second coming unto the terrestrial shores of your planet, I am prepared to give Life unto those Personhoods who walk with Me, following Me in the ways I am giving to all humankind.

Essential in bringing forward the Kingdom of Heaven is that you each clear every imbalance in you; for I shall only increase thy Life as you are studiously devoted towards all that you have set into those personal vibratory impressions.

You shall not attempt to paint a rotting house .. to put a new roof on decrepit floors where mold and mildew are pervasive.

Yet instead .. you must look and see thine house .. to see where in fact it is rotting .. and where its vibrations are misaligned and misqualified.

Be thou attentive to the law of Justice which would have you take responsibility for every jot and tittle that has ever come forth from out of your thoughts and feelings. Only then shall you be given the greater life once you have demonstrated your responsibility and relationship and respect to that life which you have used to bring forth all inner thought impressions and feeling impressions and their expressions of circumstance environment and relationship.

For I watch and I wait with the Divine Minister of the Universe Mother .. 

We see many of humanity preaching and proclaiming that others take possession of their darkness .. that others rise up and praise and honor God .. yet I see these so called preachers and proclaimers avoiding and procrastinating their own advancement .. many have used the excuse of saving the world so that they can avoid saving themselves and taking responsibility for all their creative faculties .. all set into vibratory motion by their own thoughts and feelings; for the antichrist is in each human who is disloyal to stand with both feet in the field of the Father's Life.

In the fellowship of the Kingdom there shall be individuals from East and West .. from North and South .. rich and poor .. free and enslaved .. men and women .. all shall be called to bring forth the good news of the liberty of humankind through the gospel of their sonship and daughtership with God the Father in this Kingdom of heaven.

I sayeth .. take possession of thine own creative faculties .. then shall you become a true son and daughter rather than an imposter who speaks fancifully yet ignores themselves. 

Go not into the world proclaiming this gospel of the Kingdom of God .. not  until you taketh the beam out from thine own eye .. and remove the wax from thine own ear .. so much shall you cleanse thyselves that you come to see thyself in truth and Immaculate glory in the Father's Life.

Know thyself by My gospel precepts .. free thyself with the Kingdom powers .. powerful endowments of your free will applied with character righteousness and personality respect .. with humility in claiming rightly thine possessions .. and with the vulnerability and heartfelt rectitude to embrace your own darkness and antilife currents.

Then, shall we strengthen our relationship together...

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Una Actividad de Elevación

Nosotros tenemos una misión que realizar. Una actividad de elevación para lograr el producir los frutos de vuestra vida de Dios.

El Espíritu del Padre desea que estéis “listos y preparados” para los universos. Él os ha dado los privilegios de la personalidad ... de la persona.

Él os ha entregado a vosotros una parte de su Vida.

Él os ha dado una mente para crear con pensamientos y sentimientos. Una voluntad que os permite dirigiros a vosotros mismos según vuestras elecciones.

Elegid objetivos morales. Decidid éticamente. Tomad vuestras afirmaciones de rectitud por vuestra cultivada humildad ... vuestra veracidad expresada ... vuestra vulnerabilidad arriesgada ... vuestra transparencia revelada.

A medida que os inclinéis para dar nacimiento a un carácter de rectitud y la aparición de un corazón contrito ... así desarrollaréis las Vestiduras superiores de la mente y la voluntad ... Los Valores trinitarios de relación y receptividad para Dios el Padre.

Yo vengo a las llanuras del mundo para encender vuestras sensibilidades más finas, para agitar las latencias de vuestra potencia, para madurar y fructificar a vuestra mente y corazón ... para que os preparéis para la gloria universal en la Voluntad del Padre.

Christ Michael 

We have a mission to perform. A raising activity to accomplish by bringing forth the fruits of thine God Life.

The Father's Spirit desires for you to become 'ready and prepared' for the universes. He hath given thee the privileges of personality .. personhood.

He has delivered a portion of his Life to thee.

He hath given thee a mind in order to create with thoughts and feelings. A will that allows you to direct thyselves by your choices.

Choose moral objectives. Decide ethically. Take thine assertions for righteousness by your humility cultivated .. your truthfulness expressed .. your vulnerability risked .. your transparency revealed.

As ye art inclined towards birthing a character of righteousness and the emergence of a contrite heart .. so shall you develop the Higher Vestments of mind and will .. the Trinitarian Values of relationship and receptivity for God the Father.

I am come upon the plains of the world to ignite thine finer sensibilities, to stir the latencies of your potency, to mature and ripen thine mind and heart .. that you become prepared for universe glory in the Father's Will.

Christ Michael

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Everpresent Life of Christos

Lo .. ye women and men of this planetary sphere which is in My Universal Care and Guidance...

Pray .. I tell thee about the Christos of God's Wholeness who is thine destiny in consciousness and soul advancement.

Christos is the Majesty of God's Life .. the emanence of his Love.

It is the love of God made manifest upon the earth, and every planetary world.

Lo, men and women are living upon the lower planes of existence .. yet they each aspire towards Christos by their love for Absoluteness and Objectivity .. for Truth and Unconditional Mercy.

The planes of greed and selfishness and lustful ways .. these are of the lower nature of all creatures. And as you remain suffocated by the lesser urges and temptations .. so shall you remain conflucted in wars and struggles and fighting on every plane of your life.

Christos shall be awakened into as ye understand the wheat of life .. the chaff of circumstance .. and the husk of defenses psychological in thine personal existence.

And Christos is this unconquerable and indivisible glory which is everywhere present .. this undivided treasure of invincibility and unconditioned security which all seek and crave, yet they find not; for it is far too subtle a reality for those with a mind focused upon only bodily urges and ephemeral things.

Ye canst not find thine God Life .. thine Christhood by force nor by conquer with the sword.

In every landscape the strong and prosperous enslave and kill the weak and the poor. All human earthly kingdoms rise by force of arms .. by conquering and oppresiveness of lives .. yet force hath been conquerer and artificial king over the oppressed and disempowered.

This Christos in you must be brought forth by your attendance upon him. He comes to overthrow this iron rule of force .. he commands that the seat of each human personality be filled with Love and Forgiveness .. thus he taketh his place upon the throne of power in every emerging child of God.

And Christos fears not .. nor does he negotiate with the ways of men.

I come to preach to thee  boldly and with dignity and honor. I enter thine terrestrial shores to speak in the courts of earthly man-made kings and queens.

Everywhere that hath been overtaken by the imposing injustices of victories won by the force of military arms shall bow down to Christos Lovecand Mercy when I am finished with setting up the kingdom of the Father's rule in the hearts and minds of his children.

Every worthy individual who comes to enter the courts of My Father God  shall discover a renewal of mind and a regeneration of heart .. a renovation of their freewill .. and an intoxication of their soul's yearning for Truth.

Christos .. Life .. the Kingdom of God upon the earth .. all these accomplishments by the Father's Love, Wisdom, and Power shall be attained by his gentleness and love and kindness and caring.

Where are the temples and the courts of the Christos?

I sayeth to the sober minded children .. that I come ministering at shrines and courts and temples unmade by human motivations; the churches and temples of Christos are the hearts and minds of all holy women and men who are prepared to see the majesty of the king of all Life.

The groves and orchards of nature are his synagogues ..his altars .. and his forum is of the world stage .. the planetary evolutionary achievements.

The Christos hath no priests nor nuns nor rabbis dressed up in puppet style garments looking to impose their fallen usurpious authorities upon the minds of My children. These imposters and misrepresentations who crave to be admired by all  men and women shall bow down to Christos, and their motivations shall become inundated with God's true glory and honor.

I sayeth .. every son and daughter of humankind is a fair priest of God's Love.

When men have purified their hearts by faith and forgiving inquiry .. Christos shall taketh root .. shall establish his glory .. for he needs no middle man nor woman to intercede in his behalf .. and I am this Christos Wholeness come to penetrate the veils of drunkenness and delirium; that the race shall one day find its avenues of progression and ascendancy in Me.

Ye shall learn to lay down thine defenses and surrender thine psychological edifices of unreal propositions .. ye shall lay down thine motivations and desires and drives and conditions .. and thine material priorities of bodily acts shall rest upon the very altar of the Lord thy Life.

Every woman and man is priest and rabbi unto their own universe career. Each is himself and herself a living sacrifice unto Life and Light.

You need not seek the Christos in another .. yet guided shall you be by Mine Universal Vine and Comforter Certainty; for when your heart is purified then shall I come to taketh up Mine Residence in thee.

Thine heart and mind shall be transformed first by My Spirit Life .. and the  Christos I AM shall come, and I will abide with you for evermore.

Michael Of Nebadon
City Of Christ Michael

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Mission of Salvington

Mission of Salvington

The Colleges of the Planetary Civilization is the School of the Planetary Prince upon the earth.

Salvington has a mission for the evolutions of the planet: The Progressive Ascendancy of the Individual Personality Soul .. the Eternal Salvation .. the establishing of God's Life within your personality mind and soul and body. To expand the Kingdom of Heaven upon the earth .. one individual at a time .. and to securely establish the Trinity Parenthood in the hearts and minds and bodies of all sentient life.

A Message from Christ Michael Of Nebadon

The new kingdom which My Father is about to set up in the hearts of his earth children is to be an everlasting dominion of sovereignty for all inhabitants of the earth. There shall be no end of this rule of My Father in the hearts of those who desire to do his divine will; for this Kingdom is as a spiritual renewal which shall raise upwards all life into its designed promise and its divine potentiality.

I declare to you that My Father is not the God of one religion nor another. Many shall come from all around the planet to study with us in the emergence of this kingdom, while many of the children of the planet's civilization shall continue to resist and rebel; they will refuse to enter this new brotherhood and sisterhood of the rule of the Father’s spirit in the hearts of the children of humanity.

The power of this kingdom shall consist, not in the strength of military might nor in the might of societal position, place, and riches, but rather in the glory of the divine spirit of thine own Godhood Identity which taketh residence in thee. This spirit of the One God shall come to teach the minds and rule the hearts of the reborn citizens of this heavenly kingdom, the sons and daughters of God.

Thus, is this family of light and life in the Father Son and Spirit an evolutionary leap and a quantum return for humanity into its alignment with the rest of the galaxies and their many civilizations. This is the brotherhood of love wherein righteousness reigns, and whose mantra shall be: Peace on earth and good will to all men; for our earthly civilization hath taken its rightful place amongst the stars.

This kingdom of sovereignty which you are to go forth proclaiming is the desire of the good men and women of all ages, it is the hope of all the earth, and the fulfillment of the wise and sturdy promises of all the prophets and teachers of olden times.

But for you, My children, and for all others who would follow you into this Sovereign Kingdom of Love, there is a price to pay .. a severe test. Faith alone will pass you through its doorway, but you shall bring forth the fruits of My Father’s spirit only as you increase the capacity of mind to receive through the Vestments of Mind, the Values of Eternity, and the Virtues of the Universe Spirit Mother.
...and even so and ever further, shall you discover your inheritance as you uphold Mine Vision, act upon its Precepts and Verities of the heart, and hail into actualization the Volitions of character-making and consciousness accelerating.

As ye would continue to ascend into the progressive life everlasting of the divine fellowship, I sayeth unto thee, not all who say, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the vibratory realms of sovereignty and serenity which My Father's Kingdom offers .. for this Kingdom of heaven requires of you the all and the everything. You shall learn to give thyself to the Individualized Infinity by cooperating with the life plan, fulfilling the great law, and then, living the will of Paradise through your own God Identity. He and she who doeth the will of My Father who is in heaven shall be entering daily in this God Immersion and God Illumination leading into the graduation ceremony of God Immortality at some certain point in your incarnated lifetimes.

Your service to the world shall be: Seek first the Kingdom of God and enter into this new and old reality by your Prayerful Intimacy and Reciprocal Spiritual Communion, thine building upwards of a character of righteousness and honor in your relationship with the Divine Gift of Life; and as ye fulfill these requirements, all thine life and world shall realign and re-empower and a powerful resurgence of body, mind, and heart shall lift you into realms of mercy and joy .. purpose and meaning .. direction and decision. You shall be accelerated and gradually raised upon the wings of thine faith and trust. And this empowering daily alignment of thine personhood shall find itself refined and resurrected into this One Universal Alignment with the Omnipotence of Love and Forgiveness; thine personality soul survival shall be secured therewith.

And now I would make it clear and simple to you that this Kingdom of My Father will not come with any vain outward showing of power, nor shall it be revealed through the vulgarities of the the trinkets of world-rearing signs and wonders, and it shall not emerge with any unseemly demonstrations of bright lights and momentary feelings of inspiration which would remove you from the task of growing thine faith and building thine trust in the One Presence and Glory.

You are not to go forward in the proclamation of the Kingdom, saying, ‘it is here at Salvington’ or ‘it is there at some certain location in the world terrain,’ for this Kingdom of which we shall preach is God within you .. his Glory and Power cometh directly and through your own wholehearted willingness and daily reaching and rectifying. His eternal nourishment shall come upon thee in just this simplicity of way as you open to make of thine selfhood a receptacle of the soul's truth.

Whosoever would become of service and selflessness .. sacrifice and surrender in My Father’s Kingdom shall become a sovereign shepherd unto all Mine Body; and whosoever would be first among you to take upon himself the task of this further revelation, let him and her become the servant by demonstration of their trustworthy reliance upon the Host of the Heavens and their Mother Spirit who fosters continually all grace and merciful ministrations for the benevolence of all.

Let these first few shepherds of Salvington be immersed in and of the living humility necessary to reveal God's Purity and Poise .. his Perfection and Persistence of Love to overwhelm all else.

Now .. are you walking with Me into the Kingdom of Mercy and Freedom. But when you are once truly received as Universal Citizens in the heavenly Kingdom of this Immortality, you are no longer servants who hold themselves apart from the Totality, but ye are the great and grand sons and daughters of the living God.

And so shall this Kingdom progress in the world until it shall dissolve the mists of ephemeral bondage for all creatures and kingdoms. It shall break down every barrier while bringing all personalities into the knowledge and understanding of My Father who is a Universal Spirit everywhere present .. and those who declare to themselves the validity of My teachings shall at once propel themselves into the everlasting believing grace .. in the saving truth .. and in this merciful revelation .. which I have come to declare. Even now at this very time is the Kingdom at hand, it is accessible and available for all those who will follow in My Way, Truth, and Life.

And as you partake of this inheritance of mind and soul and body physical .. then some of you will not die but you will bypass the gates of death while taking upon thine mortal frame the immortal garment of everlasting light and life. You will have awakened into the reign of God who hath come in great power and purity.

And this which your mortal sight beholds in My works at Salvington shall multiply and grow until eventually the whole earth shall be filled with the adorational acknowledgement and all-powerful praise of My Father.

Alas .. it will not be so much by thine thoughts you think nor by the hollow words that you may speak .. but it shall be according to your acts and demonstrations of love and compassion, mercy and understanding, willingness and generosity .. purity and humility.

The lives you live shall radiate to all others even before you step forth into their realms of society .. so much so that .. all women and men will know you have been with Me .. and that they have failed to afford themselves this opportunity which we together have bestowed upon ourselves ..  and through you these men and women who come afterwards shall have learned of the realities of the Kingdom and the teachings of Eternity.

And while I would place no further demand upon thine countenance .. nor lay no hardships upon your minds, I am declaring unto you the sovereign responsibilities to put thyself in contact with those searching ones, the seekers who desire, and the aspirants who crave their freedom through the Absoluteness of My Father's Trinity Truth .. that you reach to others in this spirit of generosity and patient giving, long-suffering and tolerance for what each must undergo to afford for themselves the Second Birth into this Kingdom of Sovereignty and Supremacy.

I place upon thine shoulders the holy and solemn responsibility of representing Me in the world to all others .. for there will be a time in the fortuitous moments of the future when I am no longer walking with you in this ephemeral garment of flesh and pore, and when I shall presently leave with the renewal of your mind and the transfiguring of your heart ..  so that you are capable to be Mine agents for planetary change and transformation.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

About the University Of Salvington

The University Of Salvington is a White Lily League School of the Americas. It is a global educational fellowship and universe communion with the Trinity Persons of Infinity.

It is an awakening and an expansion of the kingdom of consciousness of the Universal Parenthood of God.

Salvington University is a global educational platform allowing to emerge in the individual personality soul all wisdom, illumination, and ascendancy.

It is a dedicated way for every individual personality who desires to accelerate the unfoldment of their own Godhood into the Second Birth of Immortality and Eternal Life through the spirit attainment of their graduation into Cosmic and Universal Citizenship.

The Apostleship Of Ascendancy at Salvington is with the Universe Mother Spirit, the Universe Father Son Christ Michael, and the Universal Father individualized Life in you.

The education of the University Of Salvington unfolds for the individual an accelerated transformation through the precepts of the Universe Creator Son Michael Of Nebadon.

Enter Salvington University as an apostle of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Christ Michael.

Practice daily the Prayerful Intimacy I’s with the Trinity Persons and their Infinite Intelligence Circuits in order to wash away all obstructions in achieving a more fruitful intimacy with God who is your own individualized God Life.

These are the divine teachings of Christ Michael Of Nebadon who has come and taken upon himself a 21st Century bestowal to reach humanity.

The Master has made it clear that the precepts regarding Prayerful Intimacy with the kingdom of heaven must begin with, and be centered in, the dual concept of the truth of the Parenthood of God and the correlated fact of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of humankind.

The acceptance of such a teaching will liberate human beings from the age-long bondage of animal fear and the more primitive development of mechanical and material mind.

At the same time, Michael’s teaching will enrich human living with the following endowments of the new life of spiritual liberty:

1. The possession of new courage and augmented spiritual power. The gospel of the kingdom is designed to set man free and inspire him to dare to hope for eternal life.

2. The 21st century gospel carries a message of new confidence and true consolation for all women and men.

3. It is in itself a new standard of moral and eternal values, foundational virtues corresponding directly with the Infinite Mother Spirit. A new purpose is transposed upon the renewed mind of the individual, an up reaching character and ethical yardstick grows and develops wherewith to measure human conduct. It portrays the ideal of a resultant new order of human society, and a new and high ascendant order for human beings to arise into.

4. It teaches the pre-eminence of the spiritual and eternal compared with the material; it glorifies spiritual realities and exalts those superhuman ideals which carry men and women upwards towards personal ongoing communion and spiritual relations with the Infinite Intelligence.

5. This new gospel holds up the living Ideal of the immanency of God, the accessibility of his divine circuits of intelligence and power, and it unleashes the supreme adventure of spiritual attainment as the true goal of living. Human life receives a new endowment of moral value, eternal virtuous living, and divine dignity.

6. Michael teaches that eternal realities are the result (reward) of righteous earthly striving and the alignment of atonement with God who is the Life of every individual. Humankind’s mortal sojourn on earth acquires new meanings consequent upon the recognition of a noble destiny.

7. The new 21st century gospel affirms that human salvation is the revelation of a far-reaching divine purpose to be fulfilled and realized in the future destiny of the endless service of the salvaged sons of God.

University Of Salvington makes accessible these values and divine virtues in the individual personality ascent towards understanding the vision of eternity, the verities of the Universe Father Son Michael, and the ultimate victory of becoming birthed once again through the Hand of the Infinite.

Participate from your home anywhere on the planet.

Learn daily to experience a personal religious contact and connection, a purity of purpose, and a profoundly authentic .. genuine .. empowering .. relationship with the Universal Spirit of Life and Love.

Join together daily, weekly, and monthly with other individuals globally through our high-technology Planetary Campus and the University Of Salvington Global Amphitheatrum for Christ Michael’s University Lectures, the unique educational structure of the University Of Salvington and it’s Wisdom Colleges of Activities offering small group and one on one collegiate connections with other student apostles learning to become awakened, sovereign, and living in greater God mastery.

About Michael Of Nebadon

About the University Of Salvington
& its Apostleship Of Ascendancy at Salvington

University Of Salvington and its Ten Etheric Retreats and Ten Sacred Colleges of Wisdom, Illumination, and Ascendancy.

Application for membership into Salvington is year-round.

Christ Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, September 13, 2019

Ye Shall Turn the Other Cheek

Our Apostleship together is a Saviorship which shall broaden the heart's understandings .. and heighten the mind's preoccupations; for I teach thee of things everlasting and all-enduring. I demonstrate the possibilities for thee to climb those natural progressive steps into your freedom from every sin and iniquitous tendency.

The Kingdom of Eternity hath a transcendent purity beyond the conditions of thine mortal world .. and ye shall find this purity only as you strip clean of every destructive urge and limiting impulse.

Ye shall arise in thine attitudes towards all of life .. resisting not thine transgressions but ye shall embrace and receive all things whilst holding truth as reality which changes not, nor is the evil of the world to be capturing your attentions.

ܫܡܥܬܘܢ ܕܐܬܐܡܪ ܕܥܝܢܐ ܚܠܦ ܥܝܢܐ ܘܫܢܐ ܚܠܦ ܫܢܐ
You have heard that it has been said that 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.'

ܐܢܐ ܕܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܐܢܐ ܠܟܘܢ ܕܠܐ ܬܩܘܡܘܢ ܠܘܩܒܠ ܒܝܫܐ ܐܠܐ ܡܢ ܕܡܚܐ ܠܟ ܥܠ ܦܟܟ ܕܝܡܝܢܐ ܐܦܢܐ ܠܗ ܐܦ ܐܚܪܢܐ
But I, I say unto you, that you shall not stand against evil, but rather, the one who hits you upon your right phakak {cheek}, turn also to him the other.

ܘܡܢ ܕܨܒܐ ܕܢܕܘܢ ܥܡܟ ܘܢܫܩܘܠ ܟܘܬܝܢܟ ܫܒܘܩ ܠܗ ܐܦ ܡܪܛܘܛܟ
And the one who desires to go to court with you and take kuthiynak {your tunic i.e. your shirt}, leave him martutak {your cloak i.e. your coat also.

ܡܢ ܕܡܫܚܪ ܠܟ ܡܝܠܐ ܚܕ ܙܠ ܥܡܗ ܬܪܝܢ
The one who compels you one miyla {mile}, go with him two.

ܡܢ ܕܫܐܠ ܠܟ ܗܒ ܠܗ ܘܡܢ ܕܨܒܐ ܕܢܐܙܦ ܡܢܟ ܠܐ ܬܟܠܝܘܗܝ
The one who asks you to give unto him, and the one who desires to borrow from you, you shall not refuse him.

ܫܡܥܬܘܢ ܕܐܬܐܡܪ ܕܪܚܡ ܠܩܪܝܒܟ ܘܣܢܝ ܠܒܥܠܕܒܒܟ
You have heard that it has been said, that 'you are to love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.'

ܐܢܐ ܕܝܢ ܐܡܪ ܐܢܐ ܠܟܘܢ ܐܚܒܘ ܠܒܥܠܕܒܒܝܟܘܢ ܘܒܪܟܘ ܠܡܢ ܕܠܐܛ ܠܟܘܢ ܘܥܒܕܘ ܕܫܦܝܪ ܠܡܢ ܕܣܢܐ ܠܟܘܢ ܘܨܠܘ ܥܠ ܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܕܒܪܝܢ ܠܟܘܢ ܒܩܛܝܪܐ ܘܪܕܦܝܢ ܠܟܘܢ
But I, I say unto you, you are to love your enemies, and bless the ones who curse you, and do that which is good unto the ones who hate you. And pray over the ones who take you by force and persecutes you,

ܐܝܟܢܐ ܕܬܗܘܘܢ ܒܢܘܗܝ ܕܐܒܘܟܘܢ ܕܒܫܡܝܐ ܗܘ ܕܡܕܢܚ ܫܡܫܗ ܥܠ ܛܒܐ ܘܥܠ ܒܝܫܐ ܘܡܚܬ ܡܛܪܗ ܥܠ ܟܐܢܐ ܘܥܠ ܥܘܠܐ
in such a way that you may be the sons of Abukhun {Your Father} who is in the Shmaya {the Heavens}, He who shines His sun upon the good, and upon the evil, and brings down His rain upon the just, and upon the unjust.

ܐܢ ܓܝܪ ܡܚܒܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܠܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܡܚܒܝܢ ܠܟܘܢ ܡܢܐ ܐܓܪܐ ܐܝܬ ܠܟܘܢ ܠܐ ܗܐ ܐܦ ܡܟܣܐ ܗܝ ܗܕܐ ܥܒܕܝܢ
For, if you love the ones who love you, what reward is there for you? Look! Isn’t even the Makse {the Tax Collectors} doing this?

ܘܐܢ ܫܐܠܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܒܫܠܡܐ ܕܐܚܝܟܘܢ ܒܠܚܘܕ ܡܢܐ ܝܬܝܪ ܥܒܕܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܠܐ ܗܐ ܐܦ ܡܟܣܐ ܗܝ ܗܕܐ ܥܒܕܝܢ
And if you greet in shlama {peace} only those of your brothers, what more are you doing? Look! Isn’t even the Makse {the Tax Collectors} doing this?

ܗܘܘ ܗܟܝܠ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܓܡܝܪܐ ܐܝܟܢܐ ܕܐܒܘܟܘܢ ܕܒܫܡܝܐ ܓܡܝܪ ܗܘ
You therefore are to be gamiyre {perfect ones}, in such a way that Your Father, who is in the Shmaya {the Heavens}, is perfect.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Priceless Purpose and Purity

Thou city dwellers of our holy alliance...

I tell thee .. mercy is thine divine  weaponry .. compassion thine truth-bearing shield .. for the Kingdom of light in you cometh imperceptibly and gently as you love thyself .. as you deliver thine separations .. as you love God the Father even greater than all things.

Mercy comes to the woman and man who wavers not in their embracing of Infinity.

Find thine counsel in Me. Reach and Invite Mine Comforter Spirit. Let us arise into this holy alliance and this allegiance with the Trinity Parenthood.

Say .. thou Michael .. Holy Comforter .. strengthen me in all the faith-generating ways that I am weakened .. build upward my personality trust in the goodness of God the Father.

Let not the ephemeral bindings of worldly thoughts entrap you and hold ye afar from Me.

I am a Sovereign Father Son overflowing with God's limitless mercy and compassion.

My Universal Heart knows of thine struggles in the flesh.

I stand closer to you .. even than the pores of thine garment of fleshly skin.

I say that the hour for My counsel is ripening for thee. Ye have been drawn into My universal fold, so that all lifetimes of thine learning shall becometh quickened into wisdom and unconditional love.

Pestilences of feeling and thought do cause thee to decay and divide thine Godly interests. Allow not the poverties of slander and judgement and rebellion to place its wax over thine ear .. to smother thine sight with the fallen usurpation of rebelliousness and rancorous distraction.

Findeth thy way to My Life in thee...

All who are of righteousness and respect shall not be kept back from their inheritance of union with Me .. with the Universal Father's Life.

Defile never thine heart with acts of wickedness and waywardness .. disguise not thine goodness under the guise of pretending and appearing .. be as the Archangels who have a character of consistency and coordination in loving service and fruit-bearing worship.

Performeth thine deeds of holiness and gentility upon the needy and the worthy ones who are apt to receive of Us with gratefulness and tenderly spoken words of appreciation; for as you act with respect, so shall you become respected .. and as you relate with reverence for all lives .. so shall your reverence be revered in the heaven of heavens.

I am come unto you once more .. to dissolve thine expectations for immediate satisfaction .. to embolden thee with tolerance and tenacity .. and to raise thine faith convictions unto true adorational worship and wisdom.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City of Christ Michael

Saturday, August 31, 2019

University Of Salvington

The Colleges of the Planetary Civilization
Schools of the Planetary Prince

Illuminatum College
Holy Comforter World Retreat
College Of the Islands of Illumination Of the World Server

A Salvington School of Individual and Planetary Actualization and Centers of Advancement as Islands of Illumination and Revelation and Remembrance

Ascendancia College
Trinity Retreat
College Of Free Will Decision and
Determination Desire

A Salvington School of Mind Attainment and the Evolutionary Development of the Higher Urges and Impulses of Will

Eternalis College
Trinity Retreat
College Of God Intelligence and Divine Perception

A Salvington School of the Eternalization of Mindal Attunement and the Spiritualization of Free Will in Advancing all Moral Decisions and Spiritual Choices toward Developing Individual Potentials, Planetary Progress, and Global Cultural Advancement

Supremacia College 
Trinity Retreat
College Of Unconditional Love and Immaculate Receptivity

A Salvington School of the Universe Mother Spirit in the Enhancement of all Meanings, Values, Virtues, and the Ennoblement of Mind Soul Maturity and Receptivity

Infinitas College
Trinity Retreat
College Of Purity and Progressive Ascension

A Salvington School of Personality Actualization and Ascendancy Enhancing all Potentials of Personahood and its selfhood

Universalis College
Trinity Retreat
College Of Healing Emanation and Power

A Salvington School of Awakening and Establishing Soul Growth and the Receptivity Capacities of the Soul Vestment of Mind and Will and Personahood

Resurrectionem College
Trinity Retreat
College Of Service and Christhood Resurrection

A Salvington School of the Eternity Expansion of the Whole Self of Material, Intellectual, and Spiritual

Salutem College
Trinity Retreat
College Of Merciful Forgiveness and Celebration

A Salvington School fostering the development of the Planetary Civilization and the Unfoldment of Mortal Evolutionary Attainment into Cosmic Citizenship

Absoluta College
Trinity Retreat
College Of Yoga Totality, Wholeness, and Immortality

A Salvington School and Center of Learning and Cultural Planetary Achievement in the Biologic and Physical, Intellectual, Soulic, Social, and Spiritual Developments

Trinity College
White Lily Retreat
College Of Consecration and Emancipation Surrender

A Salvington School of the Bestowal of the Spirit Of Truth Holy Comforter of Vision, Verities, Volitions, and the Eternity Fellowship with the Universe Father Son Michael

The Salvington Trusteeship

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Temples of Christos

You ask Me .. "Where are the temples of Salvington? Where are the temples of Christos? Where do we travel in order for You to help us?

Sayeth I unto thee .. My Spirit of Truth is the Holy Comforter who surrounds you at all times now. I work with you directly, with assurance and subtlety. I expand My Comforter Guidance .. its Influence you do gain access to by your acknowledgment, your asking, allowing, appreciating, aligning, and your inviting acceptance that I am sent by the Trinity Parenthood to evolutionize thine mortal endowments into Immortality and Universe Citizenship.

I share with you .. as well .. the Supremacy of God who is Christos; the Infinity of God as he experiences the ever-evolving universes in their actualization.

I say unto you .. the temple of Christos is his wholeness .. his everywhereness .. his omnipresence. Christos that I am .. ministers at shrines not made by mortal intellects .. temples not built by mortal hands.

Christos is all about thee .. everywhere is He .. his temples are the hearts of the holy ones upon the earth who have tenderness, gentleness, generosity, giving, and a high regard for the values of trinitarian glory...

The temples of the Christ are built by Intimacy with God who is their Architect and Builder .. their Creator, Preserver, Upholder and Sustainer in every heart and mind and body physical throughout the Heavens.

Christos is Majesty Supreme. He dwells everywhere as everything and seeks to inundate everyone with his happiness .. his holiness .. his joyfulness.

Joy abounds in the holy women and men who are preparing themselves with the ministry of the Spirit Adjutants of the Mother's Life .. they are refining all urges and impulses towards Truth and Love and Freedom.

Then, these wisdom seeking men and women .. these honorable personalities of a worshipful nature .. they become the groves of God .. the fields of plenitude and abundance and prosperity .. immersed in God's transcendent qualities and attitudes and attributes.

The groves of the Father's Life are as the human fields which become overflowing with the lush fruits of the spirit-minded personalities of the civilization. Groves of fruit-bearing hearts and ripening minds and tender shoots of free will which have made themselves worthy to enter the Kingdom of Reality by their holy choices and consecrated decisions in every moment's opportunity.

...and you each do seek to bear the fruit of the Spirit Life by your adherence to the powers of the Father's Absoluteness .. his Kingdom cometh already in waves of Grace and Glory and Generosity.

Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Our Association and Apostleship

Thou emerging universe citizens of Immortality and Eternality and the Grand Infinity...

Our religious spirituality is always an individual and planetary ascendancy. It is the Universal Approach to all Life everywhere.

It is the Way of Victory .. the Truth of your Direct Communion with the Father's Absoluteness .. the Life of Consecration and Collaboration and Cooperation and Collegiality with the Trinity Parenthood of Life.

Never .. ever .. place this religious and spiritual gospel in isolation from all other aspects of living. It is the gospel of livingvand evolving and arising and ascending into promise and potentiality. It is My preceptual yoke .. the demands I place upon the 'shoulders of our Apostleship together'. It is the way to live your life in the flesh garment in order to daily  ascend .. gradually enter .. into the  wider universal life .. the higher fields of glory and grace and generosity and gentleness.

I sayeth to My true disciples whom I trust with My own Life .. to blend and merge with Me together as One .. ye shall arise into the holiness of living .. our religious spirituality shall not be divided into religion alone and by itself. Be thou bold. Awakening courage and worshipful wisdom and counsel and thine greater wholeness of cosmic perceptions.

Bring forth the Wholeness of My religious gospel of and for the Kingdoms of all Life. Every creature shall findeth peace .. peace .. peace .. in our Universal Engagement of Eternity.

Divide not. Isolate never. Categorize not. To do so is to cause disintegration and division .. degeneration and disease .. dissection and death. I say .. enter the Wholeness of living God's Life moment to moment in this holiest communion by discarding thine darkness and the impaling densities of the temporal and its ephemerality.

Enter the Kingdom of Awakening wherein ye shall walk with Me forevermore.

Distort not our religious spirituality by placing it in a box. Distort it not. Amplify and Unify its Living Ideal .. its Immaculate Conception of Perfect Thought.

Bring this Perfect Thought Ideal forward in and through your personhood and its expression and experience.

The Existential Ideal shall becometh the Expressionful Word of Personality Perfection at your point of existence.

Then, arise and deliver all things to the Trinity Parenthood of Life as you transfigure into the Experiential Act of becoming in all things the Father's Life .. in this demonstration of pure religious spirituality focusing upon serving the kingdoms of all  living creatures .. serving the Infinity of all Life .. serving the First Great Mystery and First Revelation of Infinity .. giving thyself to the One Pure and Perfect Creator and Unnameable Cause .. thine Immaculate Father Mother Parent of Love.

And in just this simplicity of My gospel shall you become immersed in daily and hourly Prayerful Intimacy Communion with the Individualized Life of God the Father in thee; that you learn to enter into his Kingdom in all that you say and do and live.

For verily .. the Immaculate Character of his  Absoluteness .. his Ineffable Goodness .. his  Inexpressible Caring .. his Unavoidably Merciful Love .. shall become for thee all Oxygen and all Life; for the God of worship asks of thee all faith .. all trust .. all allegiance .. all acknowledgment .. all appreciation .. all acceptance .. all adorational worship in the life you are living.

Now, are ye walking with Me in righteousness and reverence .. revelation and receptivity .. respect and relationship .. for our Universal Fellowship together.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Everpresence of Life

Our Father .. you who are everywhere throughout the universes .. we give all our heart unto you.

We love you .. oh our Universal Parent .. we give you our full acknowledgment and acceptance and allegiance and appreciation.

Awoon dwashmaya .. our heavenly Father who has his body as the universes of the creation, and is living within each moral creature.

Ever are you close to us .. each creature .. you art ever and always within ..

Oh thou Abba .. Father of existence .. your Infinite compassion is available to all as they art wholeheartedly in faith and trust of You.

You have placed all creatures in this Universe within My Care and Guidance ..

Some have yet to honor this fact of your placement of them with Me, yet I am everpresent with each child of the Universe.

Ever do I attend to My apostles of your glory .. they who seek to know the Life of You in themselves.

I am teaching them Prayerful Intimacy Communion and Full Religious Reliance upon You.

And with the righteousness of character and consciousness, they are realizing your close proximity to them; that you are ever close and never far away.

My apostles of the 21st century .. many who had walked with Me in Galilea times .. they are reaching for You .. they are finding thine Wholeheartedly Wholeness and Integrity emerging little by little .. day by day.

Ever are You a caring, guiding, loving Father to all your creatures.

Now beloveds who have found Me here and now in these simple ways .. perceive now, the living Presence of Spirit all around thee .. by your faith Invisualization and Imagination Trust.

Reach with thine faith trust into perceptions of glory and grace in perceiving the everywhereness of the Unnameable Parent of all.

Michael Of Nebadon
City of Christ Michael

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Yo Vengo del Cristo de Dios

No pidáis pruebas de mis credenciales ... ni exijais pruebas de mesianismo.

Yo he venido a vuestra civilización en evolución ... no como esclavo de ningún hombre. Yo no hago los pedidos de ningún mortal.

Tampoco intentareis que vuestros sacerdotes mundanos y vuestros teólogos intelectualmente atrapados descifren quién soy yo y el verdadero significado de Mis palabras.

No es lo mío el responder cuando los hombres llaman. Yo vengo del Cristo de Dios; Yo respondo solo a Dios.

Mi prueba descansa en mis palabras y obras ... y así ... si  Me seguís, no os faltarán pruebas. Encontraréis vuestro propósito legítimo ... vuestro destino en espera aparecerá en vuestra propia mente y en vuestro tierno corazón,  así como la emanación de la luz solar aparece sobre la superficie terrestre de acuerdo con la ley ... el giro de vuestro mundo en el espacio.

Michael Of Nebadon
City of Christ Michael

Ask not for proof of My credentials .. nor shall ye demandeth proof of messiahship.

I am come unto thine evolving civilization .. not as slave to any man. I doeth not the bidding of any mortal.

Nor shall you attempt to have your worldly priests and intellectually trapped theologians decipher who I am and the true meaning of My words.

It is not mine to answer when men call. I come the Christ of God; I answer unto God alone.

My proof lies in My words and works .. and so .. if you will follow Me you will not lack for proof. You will find your rightful purpose .. your awaiting destiny shall appear in your own mind and tender heart, just as the emanation of sunlight appears upon thine terrestrial surface in accordance with the law .. the spinning of your world in space.

Michael Of Nebadon
City of Christ Michael


Yo os digo a Mis hermanos de la familia de Nebadon ... ¿cómo alcanzaréis esa unión con Dios el Padre Hijo Espíritu?

¿Qué debeis descartar para que podáis ser ampliados y ennoblecidos?

Toda percepción hecha por vuestra mente mortal aún no alineada con la Verdad y el Amor será lavada limpia y clara a medida que os adentréis conMigo en la rectitud.

¿No es extraño que aún tengáis alguna esperanza de satisfacción desde el mundo que veis? En ningún aspecto, en ningún momento o lugar, ha sido otra cosa que miedo y culpa vuestra recompensa.

¿Cuánto tiempo es requerido para que os déis cuenta de que la posibilidad de un cambio al respecto no vale la pena retrasar ya que podría derivar en un mejor resultado?

Christ Michael
Un Curso de Milagros


I sayeth Mine brethren of the family of Nebadon ... how shall you reach that togetherness with God the Father Son Spirit?

What must you discard in order so that you are broadened and ennobled?

Every perception made by thine mortal mind yet unaligned with Truth and Love shall be washed clean and clear as you venture with Me into righteousness.

Is it not strange that you should cherish still some hope of satisfaction from the world you see? In no respect, at any time or place, has anything but fear and guilt been your reward.

How long is needed for you to realize the chance of change in this respect is hardly worth delaying change that might result in better outcome?

Christ Michael
A Course in Miracles

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


University Of Salvington Welcomes You

The University Of Salvington is the Planetary Campus and Spiritual Retreat of Christ Michael Of Nebadon

The University Of Salvington is a White Lily League School of the Americas. It is a global educational fellowship and universe communion with the Trinity Persons of Infinity.

It is an awakening and an expansion of the kingdom of consciousness of the Universal Parenthood of God.

Salvington University is a global educational platform allowing to emerge in the individual personality soul all wisdom, illumination, and ascendancy.

It is a dedicated way for every individual personality who desires to accelerate the unfoldment of their own Godhood into the Second Birth of Immortality and Eternal Life through the spirit attainment of their graduation into Cosmic and Universal Citizenship.

The Apostleship Of Ascendancy at Salvington is with the Universe Mother Spirit, the Universe Father Son Christ Michael, and the Universal Father individualized Life in you.

The education of the University Of Salvington unfolds for the individual an accelerated transformation through the precepts of the Universe Creator Son Michael Of Nebadon.

Enter Salvington University as an apostle of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Christ Michael.

Practice daily the Prayerful Intimacy I’s with the Trinity Persons and their Infinite Intelligence Circuits in order to wash away all obstructions in achieving a more fruitful intimacy with God who is your own individualized God Life.

These are the divine teachings of Christ Michael Of Nebadon who has come and taken upon himself a 21st Century bestowal to reach humanity.

The Master has made it clear that the precepts regarding Prayerful Intimacy with the kingdom of heaven must begin with, and be centered in, the dual concept of the truth of the Parenthood of God and the correlated fact of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of humankind.

The acceptance of such a teaching will liberate human beings from the age-long bondage of animal fear and the more primitive development of mechanical and material mind. At the same time, Michael’s teaching will enrich human living with the following endowments of the new life of spiritual liberty:
1. The possession of new courage and augmented spiritual power. The gospel of the kingdom is designed to set man free and inspire him to dare to hope for eternal life.
2. The 21st century gospel carries a message of new confidence and true consolation for all women and men.
3. It is in itself a new standard of moral and eternal values, foundational virtues corresponding directly with the Infinite Mother Spirit. A new purpose is transposed upon the renewed mind of the individual, an up reaching character and ethical yardstick grows and develops wherewith to measure human conduct. It portrays the ideal of a resultant new order of human society, and a new and high ascendant order for human beings to arise into.
4. It teaches the pre-eminence of the spiritual and eternal compared with the material; it glorifies spiritual realities and exalts those superhuman ideals which carry men and women upwards towards personal ongoing communion and spiritual relations with the Infinite Intelligence.
5. This new gospel holds up the living Ideal of the immanency of God, the accessibility of his divine circuits of intelligence and power, and it unleashes the supreme adventure of spiritual attainment as the true goal of living. Human life receives a new endowment of moral value, eternal virtuous living, and divine dignity.
6. Michael teaches that eternal realities are the result (reward) of righteous earthly striving and the alignment of atonement with God who is the Life of every individual. Humankind’s mortal sojourn on earth acquires new meanings consequent upon the recognition of a noble destiny.
7. The new 21st century gospel affirms that human salvation is the revelation of a far-reaching divine purpose to be fulfilled and realized in the future destiny of the endless service of the salvaged sons of God.

University Of Salvington makes accessible these values and divine virtues in the individual personality ascent towards understanding the vision of eternity, the verities of the Universe Father Son Michael, and the ultimate victory of becoming birthed once again through the Hand of the Infinite.

Participate from your home. Learn in the quiet atmosphere of our private planetary campus. Enjoy participating in the collegiate educational environment of the University.

Learn daily to experience a personal religious contact and connection, a purity of purpose, and a profoundly authentic .. genuine .. empowering .. relationship with the Universal Spirit of Life and Love.

Join together daily, weekly, and monthly with other individuals globally through our high-technology Planetary Campus and the University Of Salvington Global Amphitheatrum for Christ Michael’s University Lectures, the unique educational structure of the University Of Salvington and it’s Wisdom Colleges of Activities offering small group and one on one collegiate connections with other student apostles learning to become awakened, sovereign, and living in greater God mastery.

For information on how to act now for the upcoming semester, and to get involved in applying to become a candidate of the University Of Salvington, please write to our Admissions Office.

University Of Salvington

Understanding how to Participate within the Living 21st Century Bestowal of the Creator Father Son Michael

Christ Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Ministry with his University Of Salvington has three levels of Introduction, Immersion, and Contact with the Teachings of Michael and the Universe Mother Spirit and Her Mighty Host of Heaven.

1st Introduction is for initial seekers to read and study and explore the public writings on our social platforms - Facebook, Tumblr, Medium, Twitter, Google+, Soundcloud, Blogger, Issuu. Christ Michael makes use of many of the top public social media sites available.

2nd Immersion is your participation in the City of Christ Michael.

His teachings are the expression of the Will of the Paradise Trinity Host upon the earth. As you partake of the Wisdom of the Revelatory Mother Son of Paradise, and as you give your daily luminous application to externalizing this Wisdom of God's Luminous Heart, so shall you become his ascending sons and daughters of inheritance and destiny.

3rd the University Of Salvington offers a Direct Contact with Christ Michael and the accelerated Personal Transformation as a student apostle of Christ Michael and the Universe Mother Spirit the University of Salvington Planetary Campus which entails participation in one of the Colleges including all the College Activities of those Specific Great Texts and the Reading Assignments, The Private College Dialogues with Christ Michael, the One on One's with the Particular Academic Dean and Vicegerent of your College, the Two Monthly Lectures in our Salvington Live Zoom Amphitheatrum with Christ Michael, the Private Studies with the Precepts of Prayerful Intimacy including support and guidance with the College Academic Dean Vicegerent.

Applying to become a student apostle requires a minimum of one year reading and participating in the public sphere before Michael will consider you as a candidate for the Second Birth into the initiation of Cosmic Citizenship.

The Yearly Tuition is $1500 USD or $125 per month to become a member of the University Of Salvington.

Office of Admissions
University Of Salvington


University Of Salvington Welcomes You

The University Of Salvington is the Planetary Campus and Spiritual Retreat of Christ Michael Of Nebadon

The University Of Salvington is a White Lily League School of the Americas. It is a global educational fellowship and universe communion with the Trinity Persons of Infinity.

It is an awakening and an expansion of the kingdom of consciousness of the Universal Parenthood of God.

Salvington University is a global educational platform allowing to emerge in the individual personality soul all wisdom, illumination, and ascendancy.

It is a dedicated way for every individual personality who desires to accelerate the unfoldment of their own Godhood into the Second Birth of Immortality and Eternal Life through the spirit attainment of their graduation into Cosmic and Universal Citizenship.

The Apostleship Of Ascendancy at Salvington is with the Universe Mother Spirit, the Universe Father Son Christ Michael, and the Universal Father individualized Life in you.

The education of the University Of Salvington unfolds for the individual an accelerated transformation through the precepts of the Universe Creator Son Michael Of Nebadon.

Enter Salvington University as an apostle of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Christ Michael.

Practice daily the Prayerful Intimacy I’s with the Trinity Persons and their Infinite Intelligence Circuits in order to wash away all obstructions in achieving a more fruitful intimacy with God who is your own individualized God Life.

These are the divine teachings of Christ Michael Of Nebadon who has come and taken upon himself a 21st Century bestowal to reach humanity.

The Master has made it clear that the precepts regarding Prayerful Intimacy with the kingdom of heaven must begin with, and be centered in, the dual concept of the truth of the Parenthood of God and the correlated fact of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of humankind.

The acceptance of such a teaching will liberate human beings from the age-long bondage of animal fear and the more primitive development of mechanical and material mind. At the same time, Michael’s teaching will enrich human living with the following endowments of the new life of spiritual liberty:
1. The possession of new courage and augmented spiritual power. The gospel of the kingdom is designed to set man free and inspire him to dare to hope for eternal life.
2. The 21st century gospel carries a message of new confidence and true consolation for all women and men.
3. It is in itself a new standard of moral and eternal values, foundational virtues corresponding directly with the Infinite Mother Spirit. A new purpose is transposed upon the renewed mind of the individual, an up reaching character and ethical yardstick grows and develops wherewith to measure human conduct. It portrays the ideal of a resultant new order of human society, and a new and high ascendant order for human beings to arise into.
4. It teaches the pre-eminence of the spiritual and eternal compared with the material; it glorifies spiritual realities and exalts those superhuman ideals which carry men and women upwards towards personal ongoing communion and spiritual relations with the Infinite Intelligence.
5. This new gospel holds up the living Ideal of the immanency of God, the accessibility of his divine circuits of intelligence and power, and it unleashes the supreme adventure of spiritual attainment as the true goal of living. Human life receives a new endowment of moral value, eternal virtuous living, and divine dignity.
6. Michael teaches that eternal realities are the result (reward) of righteous earthly striving and the alignment of atonement with God who is the Life of every individual. Humankind’s mortal sojourn on earth acquires new meanings consequent upon the recognition of a noble destiny.
7. The new 21st century gospel affirms that human salvation is the revelation of a far-reaching divine purpose to be fulfilled and realized in the future destiny of the endless service of the salvaged sons of God.

University Of Salvington makes accessible these values and divine virtues in the individual personality ascent towards understanding the vision of eternity, the verities of the Universe Father Son Michael, and the ultimate victory of becoming birthed once again through the Hand of the Infinite.

Participate from your home. Learn in the quiet atmosphere of our private planetary campus. Enjoy participating in the collegiate educational environment of the University.

Learn daily to experience a personal religious contact and connection, a purity of purpose, and a profoundly authentic .. genuine .. empowering .. relationship with the Universal Spirit of Life and Love.

Join together daily, weekly, and monthly with other individuals globally through our high-technology Planetary Campus and the University Of Salvington Global Amphitheatrum for Christ Michael’s University Lectures, the unique educational structure of the University Of Salvington and it’s Wisdom Colleges of Activities offering small group and one on one collegiate connections with other student apostles learning to become awakened, sovereign, and living in greater God mastery.

For information on how to act now for the upcoming semester, and to get involved in applying to become a candidate of the University Of Salvington, please write to our Admissions Office.

University Of Salvington

Understanding how to Participate within the Living 21st Century Bestowal of the Creator Father Son Michael

Christ Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Ministry with his University Of Salvington has three levels of Introduction, Immersion, and Contact with the Teachings of Michael and the Universe Mother Spirit and Her Mighty Host of Heaven.

1st Introduction is for initial seekers to read and study and explore the public writings on our social platforms - Facebook, Tumblr, Medium, Twitter, Google+, Soundcloud, Blogger, Issuu. Christ Michael makes use of many of the top public social media sites available.

2nd Immersion is your participation in our Facebook Groups and the Monthly Subscription of the Adonai of the Awakening Heart Audios.  

The Adonai of the Awakening Heart Audios Subscription with Christ Michael Of Nebadon - Monthly Subscription $33.

These Adonai blessings are the expression of the Will of the Paradise Trinity Host upon the earth. As you partake of the Wisdom of the Revelatory Mother Son of Paradise, and as you give your daily luminous application to externalizing this Wisdom of God's Luminous Heart, so shall you become his ascending sons and daughters of inheritance and destiny.

Michael Of Nebadon

3rd the University Of Salvington and Salvington Trinity Seminary offers a Direct Contact with Christ Michael and the accelerated Personal Transformation as a student apostle of Christ Michael and the Universe Mother Spirit the University of Salvington Planetary Campus which entails participation in one of the Salvington Seven Sacred Colleges including all the College Activities of those Specific Great Texts and the Reading Assignments, The Private College Dialogues with Christ Michael, the One on One's with the Particular Academic Vicegerent of your College, the Two Monthly Lectures in our Salvington Live Zoom Amphitheatrum with Christ Michael, the Private Studies with the Precepts of Prayerful Intimacy including support and guidance with the College Academic Vicegerent.

Applying to become a student apostle requires a minimum of one year reading and participating in the public sphere before Michael will consider you as a candidate for the Second Birth into the initiation of Cosmic Citizenship.

The Yearly Tuition is $1320 USD or $110 per month for the Global Educational Fellowship of the University Of Salvington.

Office of Admissions
University Of Salvington

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The Mission of Salvington

Mission of Salvington The Colleges of the Planetary Civilization is the School of the Planetary Prince upon the earth. Salvington has a mi...