Saturday, November 28, 2020

Service in the Kingdom of Our Father God

Men and Women who desire to serve the World with Me...

Ye shall arrive at your own decisions regarding your priorities and purpose and purification. 

There is a certain range of the freedom of choice which all mortals may exercise. 

The forces of the spiritual world will not coerce humankind; they allow you to go the way of your own choosing.

The Father requires that the affections of his children be pure and undivided; for I have told you that you shall not serve two masters .. the ways of the Kingdom of the Heavens and the ways of worldly accomplishments shall not go hand in hand, if you desire to find God, become alike unto him, and achieve his Will of Perfection.

Whatever thing or person comes between you and the love of the truths of the kingdom, must be surrendered.

Verily, verily, I say to you, there is no man who has left wealth, home, wife, brethren, parents, or children for my sake and for the sake of the kingdom of heaven who shall not receive manifold more in this world, perhaps with some persecutions, and in the world to come eternal life. 

But many who are first shall be last, while the last shall often be first. 

The Father deals with his creatures in accordance with their needs and in obedience to his just laws of merciful and loving consideration for the welfare of a universe.

“The kingdom of heaven is like a householder who was a large employer of men and women, and who went out early in the morning to hire laborers to work in his vineyard. When he had agreed with the laborers to pay them a denarius a day, he sent them into the vineyard. 

Then he went out about nine o’clock, and seeing others standing in the market place idle, he said to them: ‘Go you also to work in my vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will pay you.’ 

And they went at once to work. 

Again he went out about twelve and about three and did likewise. And going to the market place about five in the afternoon, he found still others standing idle, and he inquired of them, ‘Why do you stand here idle all the day?’ And the men answered, ‘Because nobody has hired us.’ Then said the householder: ‘Go you also to work in my vineyard, and whatever is right I will pay you.’

“When evening came, this owner of the vineyard said to his steward: 

‘Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last hired and ending with the first.’ 

When those who were hired about five o’clock came, they received a denarius each, and so it was with each of the other laborers. When the men who were hired at the beginning of the day saw how the later comers were paid, they expected to receive more than the amount agreed upon. But like the others every man received only a denarius. 

And when each had received his pay, they complained to the householder, saying: 

‘These men who were hired last worked only one hour, and yet you have paid them the same as us who have borne the burden of the day in the scorching sun.’

“Then answered the householder: 

‘My friends, I do you no wrong. 

Did not each of you agree to work for a denarius a day? 

Take now that which is yours and go your way, for it is my desire to give to those who came last as much as I have given to you. 

Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my own? or do you begrudge my generosity because I desire to be good and to show mercy?'”

Michael Of Nebadon
Urantia Revelations

New Humanity Sovereign World Servers

Thou World Servers who desire inordinately to serve the kingdoms of Urantia .. 

You must attend this upcoming event .. and you are to arise into humility wherein thine fists are emptied of selfness .. wherein you are relaxing the pressures of egoism .. wherein your duty to God the Supremacy shall dominate your thinking and feeling .. your urges and motivations .. priorities and purposes shall be overwhelmingly held by loyalties to Me.

Then, are you worthy to be put to work as a World Server.

You are to become obedient to Me .. ever disciplined .. whilst  discernment shall become thine middle name .. if you so desire to becometh worthy of our association together in the Kingdom of the Universal Father.

Devotion to becometh trained beyond what you believe you already know is absolutely necessary .. an essential wholehearted willingness must pervade thine persona.

And everywhere you go, so shall you preach to open hearts and receptive minds, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand,' 'the way of deliverance is imminently accessible to those who make themselves worthy by their priorities of devotion', 'salvation is approachable by all who will enter and abide obediently in righteousness and reverence', 'freedom is upon you as you become open to grow as the soul receptacle giving all your personality endowments and soul  faculties of expression toward the achievement of the ages'.

I sayeth, thou World Servers .. ye shall  minister to all who may be sick in either mind or body; showing each one the way to deliver themselves to the One Reality of the Father God.

Freely you have received of the good things of the kingdom; freely give. 

If the people entering into our Holy Comforter Sovereign Countries, Cities, and Villages will receive of you shall they find an abundant entrance into the Father’s kingdom; yet, if the people of any country, city, or village,  refuse to receive this gospel, still shall you proclaim your message as you depart from that unbelieving community, saying, even as you leave, to those who reject your teaching: 

‘Notwithstanding you reject the truth, it remains that the kingdom of God has come near you.’ 

He and She who hear you .. hear Me. 

And he and she who hear Me .. hear Him who sent Me. 

He and She who reject your gospel message reject me... 

And he and she who reject Me .. reject Him who sent Me into this one fold of Urantia.”

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, November 20, 2020

Our Unifying Association of Ascendancy

Fellows of our Unifying Associations of Truth...

You are created as a uniqueness of personhood .. of creatively-empowered personality .. an empowering means of partnership and participation in actualizing God the Supreme .. in this closeness of proximity with the finiteness of Infinity.

Personality initiates an evolutionary process of developing thine soul vestment .. soul values .. soul virtues .. soul vision .. and soul verities and volitions.

Thine developing and emerging immortal soul is not a pre-existing entity waiting to be discovered by you.

It’s not something you can  consciously create by using your free will. Yet, it cometh as the indirect result of your choosings, your motivations, your urges, impulses, and receptions.

It develops as you becometh receptively awake to the higher urges and the everlasting meanings .. as you widen your desire from seeking the immediate gratification of the human senses towards the quickening of every faculty and every endowment in the long-term plan of evolutionary salvation.

Thine evolutionary soul expression emerges and evolves gradually .. and becomes apparent and available to you as you choose to progressively advance within the vast order of ascendancy.

This order of advancement stirs thine agencies into greater actualization and eternalizes thine human faculties.  It elevates you into a nobility of character .. and a worshipfully adoring communion with Life all around you.

Personalities who come together within their own indwelling God Impulse and God Intention .. who gather in relationships of growth and higher learning  .. developing their  eternity-driven associations .. their spirit-led engagements for advancement .. arising towards that cosmic cluster  of higher vestments and values and virtues .. they do certainly initiate a process of accumulating the right attitudes of mind .. they stir the natural mixture of thought and feeling into a more spiritualized character embodying qualities which allow their personality soul  to survive and to thrive in mortal living .. as their personality attributes within the culture of mortality are quickened towards the eternal values of Infinity in the Universal Parenthood of Life.

Michael Of Nebadon 
21st Century Gospel Revelations

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Calling all Sovereign World Servers

Calling upon all the Sovereign World Servers who shall come with Me forward into their fuller God empowerment to take back the earth from the darkness.

Become thou .. it is time to reveal thyselves and to be the World Teachers, World Leaders, World Healers, and World Servers of the Infinity Will .. for as you step forth with Me by answering My call unto thee .. I shall quicken thee unto thine Full Empowerment capable of embodying a greater portion of Life's  Luminosity.

Come forth with Me to extinguish all the misuse of destructive free will .. by thine commanding invitation to the omnipotence of God's Love.

I .. Michael Of Nebadon .. Michael Sananda Maitreya .. do call upon all Sovereign Personalities who desire with the fullest passion of their commanding heart .. to raise the native population .. to quicken every Life Kingdom on the planet .. with the concentrated desire and constructively qualified will .. the cooperative collaboration of Humanity.

I ask from My Universal Heart to your own Individualized Hearts to step forth and be wholeheartedly willing to embody more of God's Holy Light .. His Life .. and His Unconquerable Love.

Join Me as a Sovereign World Leader .. a Sovereign World Server .. a Sovereign World Healer of this planetary civilization.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Father's Kingdom is his Life

Come forth and prepare as a Sovereign World Server as we return the planet back to its Originating Agenda and Divine Plan.

You have been taught to look for the coming of the kingdom of God, and now I come announcing that this long-looked-for kingdom is near at hand, even that it is already here and in our midst as God the Supremacy .. the omnipresent Christos of all beings.

See with the eye of faith .. hear with the understanding of the spirit. 

I declare that the kingdom of the heavens is the realization and acknowledgment of God’s rule within the hearts of all creatures. 

True, there is a King in this kingdom, and that King is my Father and your Father. We are indeed his loyal subjects, but far transcending that fact is the transforming truth that we are his daughters and sons. 

In my life this truth is manifest unto all. Our Father also sits upon an immaculate infinite  throne, but not one made with mortal hands. The throne of the Infinite is the eternal dwelling place of the Father in the heaven of heavens; he fills all things and proclaims his laws to universes upon universes. 

And the Father also rules within the hearts of his children on earth by the spirit which he has sent to live within the souls of mortal men and women.

When you are the subjects of this kingdom, you indeed are made to hear the law of the Universe Ruler; but when, because of the gospel of the kingdom which I have come to declare, you faith-discover yourselves as daughters and sons, you henceforth look not upon yourselves as law-subject creatures of an all-powerful king but as privileged sons and daughters of a loving and divine Father. 

Verily, verily, I say to you, when the Father’s will is your law, you are hardly in the kingdom. But when the Father’s will becomes truly your will, then are you standing with me in the field of the Father .. in very truth in the kingdom you are standing because the kingdom has thereby become an established experience in you. 

When God’s will is your law, you are noble slave subjects; yet  when you believe in this new gospel of your  divine sonship, my Father’s will becomes your will, and you are elevated to the high position of the free children of God, liberated daughters and sons of the kingdom of his heavenly abode.

Michael Of Nebadon

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