Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Y esta fe triunfante es una experiencia viva de realización espiritual real. Vuestra gran contribución a los valores de la experiencia humana no es que reveléis tantas ideas nuevas sobre la Paternidad de Dios en el cielo, sino que demostréis tan magnífica y humanamente un tipo nuevo y más elevado de fe viva en Dios.

Dios se convertirá en una realidad viva en vuestra experiencia humana. En vuestra vida descubriréis un nuevo y más elevado tipo de religión, una religión basada en la intimidad espiritual personal y en las relaciones divinas con la Paternidad Universal, y estas revelaciones personales se volverán totalmente validadas por la autoridad suprema de la experiencia personal genuina.

Esta fe viva de Salvington es más que una reflexión intelectual, y no es una meditación mística.

La teología puede fijar, formular, definir y dogmatizar la fe, pero en vuestra vida humana, la fe debe ser personal, viva, original, espontánea y puramente espiritual.

Esta fe no es una reverencia a la tradición ni una mera creencia intelectual que vosotros sostenéis como un credo sagrado, sino una intimidad sublime y una experiencia directa y una convicción profunda que os sostiene con seguridad.

Vuestra fe en desarrollo será real y abarcadora. Barrerá absolutamente cualquier duda espiritual y destruirá eficazmente todo deseo conflictivo.

Nada podrá arrancaros del anclaje espiritual de esta fe ferviente, sublime e imperturbable.

Incluso ante la aparente derrota o en la agonía de la decepción y la amenazante desesperación, vosotros aprenderéis a estar tranquilamente en la presencia divina libres de miedo y con plena consciencia de invencibilidad espiritual.

En Salvington, vosotros disfrutaréis de la vigorizante seguridad de la posesión de una fe inquebrantable, y en cada una de las situaciones de prueba de la vida seréis capaces de exhibir indefectiblemente una lealtad incuestionable a la voluntad del Padre.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

My Worldwide Disciples

I am returned into earthly view to fulfill our spiritual covenant .. and this divinely orchestrated agreement shall be made anew as ye understand My 21st Century Gospel of Universal Citizenship.

Mine Instruction regarding the approach of My Apostles of Ascendancy worldwide shall bring you into a new order for humanity.

Only the pure religious relationship with the Universal Spirit of Life shall raise thee into promise and potential.

Prayerful Intimacy with the Individualized God Identity above you and in you shall develop your  personal spiritual relations with the Infinite who has gifted himself to you in this more finite and individualized uniqueness.

My precepts of Prayerful Intimacy are the directives from the Eternal Second Center and Divine Source of the Originating Primal Son of Paradise. Only this directly personal religious contact and connection and communion shall give you the personality experience of your place of divinity within the universes of My Father God.

As ye are wholehearted and willing to amend your mistakes through the law of forgiveness, and as ye partake of the everpresent hope, faith, and charity of thine own Godhood Individualized .. can you begin to function helpfully in society, creatively in your nature as a child of the Infinite Sovereignty of God.

The present crisis of civilization needs each child of the One Deity to embark upwards to righteousness and rectitude while directing themselves inwards toward responsibility and relationship and receptivity of mind, body, and the heart..

Institutional religion is enmeshed now in the tentacles of its own creating; for its teaching is warped by mortal thought and weakened by humanly clothed emotion .. and this same organized religious orientation is hopelessly  woven too closely within the ephemeral threads of society .. a social reconstruction into goodness, truth, and everlasting beauty must prevail .. and a societal value built upon Eternal Values and Foundations of Virtuous living shall .. and will prevail over every particle of misapprehended and misqualified and misappropriated God Life.

This very stalemate hath become a vicious circle. It cannot reconstruct society into its intended truth domain unless it first rid itself of the very same errors which it is built from.

Without first reconstructing itself, institutions of religious fervor and biblical structuring shall need to be reassessed and matured into personal religious and spiritual relationship, and shall not prosper the peoples of the world unless it’s organizational tapestries are rewoven by Mine Universal Hand of Sovereignty .. My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter, the Holy Spirit of the Mother and the Planetary Administration of the Host, and the very personalized expansion of My Father God in you .. his Kingdom of Redemption and Supremacy.

Thine established order is truly one of chaos and confusions. Religion built by the hand of imperfect humankind shall need rejuvenation, and a natural yet revelatory resuscitation will occur in time. Religion must become an integral part of the New Order of Progressive Ascendancy which I and My Father are establishing upon this earth.

…and within this revelatory reconstruction shall the individual personality mind advance itself upon the backdrop of your ever-advancing civilization; for ye cannot reconstruct thyselves as a planetary race into My Father’s divine order and harmony until society .. at large .. has been radically reconstructed and redeemed into Universal Love, Eternal Truth, and God’s Infinite Holy Power.

Michael Of Nebadon

Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Invisibility of Infinity

Mine Everlasting Covenant and Universe Association with all individuals which I and the Universe Mother have brought forth in this Universe of Nebadon is grown by love, wisdom, and power.

I come so that you begin to align with the philosophy of the universe; that you bring yourselves into Light .. the Light of all Understandings. 

Bring yourselves from what is invisible to the end of those who are visible, and the emanation of Thought Itself will reveal to you how faith in what is invisible can be found in those who are visible, who belong to the Unconceived Father. 

I have come upon the terrestrial plains of this world civilization. I maketh mine Universal Person more known to you. The Universal First Person of Infinity maketh his Invisibility known and more Visible and Personal through Me.

I come out from the Infinity and the Invisibility of the Source and Center to deliver human lives upwards unto Light .. inwards unto Life .. through the Unconquerable Love of the Father’s Omnipotence. 

Have faith in the Unseen and the Unknowable One .. this do I guide you in developing well; for only as you cultivate this childlike faith and innocence, harmlessness and tenderness, openness and availability, shall the Indescribable Thought of Infinity reveal to you all that is necessary. 

I sayeth unto the worthy ones who have entered into mine gospel for the evolutions of the earth .. that I am the bridge between the Invisible Infinity and the visible finite creation .. the Living Vine who shall grant eternal life from my Universe Station to those creatures who honor and acknowledge this bridge of existence .. our Eternity Relationship and Divine Association. 

All who would arise and awaken and advance forward in their universe progression shall come to knoweth Me as thine Sovereign Michael Of Nebadon .. Universal Father and Eternal Mother Son of Nebadon. 

Whoever has ears to hear should hear...

Michael Of Nebadon

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The Mission of Salvington

Mission of Salvington The Colleges of the Planetary Civilization is the School of the Planetary Prince upon the earth. Salvington has a mi...