Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Everlasting Life

I am come to surround thee at all times to foster thine eternalizing advancement in the things of the Spirit Of Life.

I unify thine mortal experience with the Spirit Of Life...

I coordinate thine human endeavors for freedom and personality soul advancement.

You are each given the grand opportunity for eternity advancements into the experiences of greater love and mercy .. beginning right with yourself.

I unify all of life .. and our fellowship ennobles thy character .. simplifies thine experience.

In My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter .. I enter the human mind to elevate thine urges and enhance those impulses towards Truth...

Our Association of Ascendancy transforms thine values into this trinitarian deliverance .. and I stimulate and sustain thy faith hunger and embolden thine trustworthiness...

Ever do I transfigure all possibilities and human obstructions and those lesser priorities into fulfilling joy in living the Will of the Universal Absolute One.

As you open your heart to My Universal Heart .. and as you invite Me in order to bring Truth and Justice .. so will you become a new creature; all old and useless things shall be  passing away. 

Behold .. I maketh anew all things in thee...

I and the Father Son and Spirit transform all things into becoming newly brightened and pure. Holiness shall come over thee as you attend to thine flock and its grazings upon the pastures of Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

Monday, March 25, 2019

The Gifts of Personhood

Good Evening Student Fellows of Salvington ...

Personality relationship with the Father's Infinity..

Faith Communion with the Individualized Life of God the Father..

Prayerful Intimacy with the Father's Sovereignty and Spirit Adjuster..

Personality Authorship in the claiming of thy creative nature..

Soul Vestment recein the maturation of all urges and impulses..

Personality thirst for the Absoluteness of Infinity allows for the walk to truly begin godward..

Righteousness of character in moral choice and spirit-led decisions opens upward the psychological pathways of faith trust reciprocity..

Progressive Personality Ascendancy in entering the kingdom of Heaven and serving the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Life in the great procession towards Paradise Trinity Parenthood..

These are yet a few of the precedents and enduring precepts of My teaching to humanity.

Faith and trust relations open the inner doorways, and sincerely-held desire and devotion and wholehearted determination willingness shall bear the true fruits of the Spirit-led life.

I share with thee our revelatory religious living .. its attitudes, attributes, and awarenesses...

Assurances of Faith

(1118.4) 102:1.1 The work of the Thought Adjuster constitutes the explanation of the translation of man’s primitive and evolutionary sense of duty into that higher and more certain faith in the eternal realities of revelation.

There must be perfection hunger in man’s heart to insure capacity for comprehending the faith paths to supreme attainment.

If any man chooses to do the divine will, he shall know the way of truth. It is literally true, “Human things must be known in order to be loved, but divine things must be loved in order to be known.” But honest doubts and sincere questionings are not sin; such attitudes merely spell delay in the progressive journey toward perfection attainment.

Childlike trust secures man’s entrance into the kingdom of heavenly ascent, but progress is wholly dependent on the vigorous exercise of the robust and confident faith of the full-grown man.

Michael Of Nebadon
Revelation 102

Friday, March 22, 2019

Worlds without End Await Thee

I say unto you who have the desire to serve with Me in the finer avenues for the advancement of the race ..

I bring thee Peace and Justice and Order and Harmony .. Peace unto you who have arisen in righteousness to give aid to the spiritually  crippled .. sustenance to the weary of heart and mind .. manna of wisdom to the wicked and unholy ones who perpetuate the errors of civilization.

I and Mine Sons do shine forth the ways of the Heavenly unto the children of men and women. We enter into your airwaves bringing the fruits of our bounty for the benefits of all people. Ever and anon are we your benevolence sent by the Will of Infinity to reveal the great procession of consciousness.

I stand with Infinity Himself .. that your race be made holy and honorable in the sight of the First Person of Infinity. I come with a great symphony of blessed ones from far away worlds unto those of your societies, and we do giveth our brilliance to the darkness .. ministering to thine confusions and perplexity .. that you might imbibe our wisdom for the enrichment of all life upon your world.

I am the Living Word of Infinity announcing the Progressive Ascendancy of Personality for all. In this Mine Bestowal Mission, the unresolved shall find its resolution .. the betwixt shall glance once more upon the pathways of light .. the children of the world shall stand erect and fertile while making their great tilling of soul; that each hath a readiness and receptivity for Truthfulness .. and this shall lead thee unto the Great Absoluteness of Truth.

Michael Of Nebadon

Friday, March 15, 2019

Cosmic Citizenship

Beloveds who are recognizing our fellowship and who have been brought to Me by the Ineffable One .. you who are entering our Engagements of Eternity which lead all believers into their rightful relationship with the Universal Spirit of Life .. you who are wholeheartedly willing to walk with the Universal Father Individualized in thee .. with My Eternal Persona of the Spirit of Truth here in physical incarnateform and in My formlessness .. and with the Universe Mother Spirit and her Consciousness Circuitry .. with her Seven Adjutant Spirits.

I come to lead all sincere and true believers into all truthfulness and all Truth Absolute .. to prepare each one who is making of themselves that Soul Vestment Receptacle to receive the vision of My Plan of Salvation .. to quicken each one into their graduation ceremonies of Universal Citizenship and Cosmic Immortality.

I come to guide you into the personalization of this One Truth, to usher you forward in your Universe Career through loving God and serving his way, truth, and life plan.

Together, we dissolve all separation between you and Us. All obstructions shall evaporate as you daily deliver yourself to Our Altar of Ascendancy.

We arise upon the wings of adorational worship and fulfilling service to the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of all Life.

Every Kingdom of Life upon this planetary sphere and all other spheres deserve the opportunity for the best and the highest of what the Immaculate Absoluteness continually is offering freely to all creatures.

I come to amplify and empower the individual life into destiny .. to gather the lost and confused and weary ones who have been weakened in their faith trust worship. I come to bring forth the readily receptive and respectful ones to enter this ever expanding knowledge of the experience of the living and growing spiritual consciousness .. the spirit insight .. the divine knowing .. the intimacy of person to Infinity Person relationship with the Trinity Parenthood of God and the Paradise Adjuster Prayerful Intimacy Life of the reality of eternal and ascending sonship and exquisite daughtership with God.

Michael Of Nebadon

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

School of the Planetary Prince

The Global Village of the World Server

The Global Village of the World Server is composed of the Salvington Planetary Cities of Light and Life.

Salvington Family New Readership Societies and City Chapters

Islands of Illumination, Revelation, and Remembrance

Fellowship in the Service of the New Kingdom

Planetary Shepherd Candidates will become trained as Kingdom  missionaries, evangelicals, preachers, counselors, and ministers as registered members of Illuminatum College.

The Training Preparations for Ordination as a Sovereign Shepherd in the Apostolic Corps Of the School of the Planetary Prince.

Mikis Balaouras is Head of the Apostolic Corps.

Our Global Initiatives and Mission

progressing epochs of planetary progress towards the culminating inauguration of the era of light and life

all phases of intellectual progress, soul emergence, and spiritual attainment

the progress of civilization and world affairs

the unfoldment of the individual mortal evolution and soul-spirit attainment

planetary development along physical, intellectual, and social lines, all evolutionary spheres progress in certain well-defined directions

the planetary schools of training and culture are a world center of culture and achievement, and there gradually radiates to all peoples an uplifting and civilizing influence which slowly and certainly transforms the evolutionary races

establishing new and potent centers of learning and culture which carry on according to the plan of the prince’s schools

plans for planetary progress and cultural advancement to uphold the planetary concepts of truth and righteousness

knowledge of the Father’s rule and preserving for the world races the concept of the successive planetary dispensations of the various orders of divine Sons

design to foster the development of planetary civilization

fostering the development of the planetary civilization and its global spiritual culture

designing the way of planetary progress towards the ascendancy of light and life

nurturing the planetary impulse and guiding the cultural advancement for the ages

preparing the individual personality mind, will, and soul for cosmic consciousness, spiritual insight, divine perception, and the attainment integration of universal citizenship

promoting the spiritual evolutionary attainment of every people in the planetary human culture, arts, and world civilization

to induce the world culture and planetary civilization to make certain initial advances in culture and civilization

training and inspiring student world servers as teachers and leaders of their respective peoples

Michael Of Nebadon

Contemplations of Freedom

Thou City of Christ Michael...

Human beings are certainly influenced by evil which is merely the transgression of the law of Life .. the way and truth and life of the Universal Eternal Infinite Persons of Infinite Deity.

As the personality knowingly and deliberately chooses the path of sinful rebellious attitudes and the life of the  iniquitous stand of purposeful againstness .. then they do build an opposing momentum to the Father and his loyal Sons and Daughters.. and they begin to generate an illusory power of  againstness to their God Life and the One Trinitarian Parenthood.

Evil is merely sinful transgression of the Father's Life .. and while inherent in the natural order of this evolutionary world of imperfection .. and especially due to the planetary problems of its administrative default .. it will not devolve into sin and iniquity as an attitude of conscious rebellion unless it is defiantly and stubbornly chosen over and over again.

This rebelliousness and its seeds of evil and sin and iniquity was begun in the higher system of which this world is a part .. it was brought to this world by those who fell from their spiritual light into gross darkness and damnation.

And this fall began gradually to take hold upon themselves .. to strangle all obedience and allegiance from their personality by overt and deliberate choice and by a strongly-held stubbornness of mind and will and attitude .. and by this  subjectivity of mind and willfulness masquerading .. as an absoluteness of fact and reality.

They believed their own subjective opinions to be truth...

I give you here My Revelatory Word to give you more clarity as you contemplateyour own choices and deliberations of decision...

1660.2) 148:4.3 “Evil is the unconscious or unintended transgression of the divine law, the Father’s will. Evil is likewise the measure of the imperfectness of obedience to the Father’s will.

(1660.3) 148:4.4 “Sin is the conscious, knowing, and deliberate transgression of the divine law, the Father’s will. Sin is the measure of unwillingness to be divinely led and spiritually directed.

(1660.4) 148:4.5 “Iniquity is the willful, determined, and persistent transgression of the divine law, the Father’s will. Iniquity is the measure of the continued rejection of the Father’s loving plan of personality survival and the Sons’ merciful ministry of salvation.

Michael Of Nebadon
Enhanced Revelation in the Epiphanies of Eternity

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Cruising the Everlasting Highways of Eternity

Perceive ye thine destiny with Me.

Amplify the essential in your life .. and be thou preparing for the fuller God Life to expand and grow.

Guard well thine attentions that you are aiming your creativity towards the Father's Life and expanding his Kingdom.

Treat thou .. one another loyally and with the effulgence of respect and recognition .. allowing for our Engagement of Eternity to seep into mind and heart.

Harken unto Me .. invitingly opening thine petals of mortal mind and heart unto the Comforter Spirit I am.

Michael Of Nebadon

Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Salvington Ideal

Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince instructs students to never pray as obligation nor as solely a religious duty.

Instead, the Ideal of Salvington permits you to develop a genuine faith and a spontaneous trust leading to the ennoblement of all mortal desires and human devotions .. the heights of an augmented spirit perception .. the awakening to truth as an objective love flourishing state of being bringing new insights into reality and the assuring purpose of your emerging sonship and daughtership with the Infinite Center and Source.

Prayer is a sincere expression of spiritual attitude enhancing all urges, a declaration of soul loyalty building alignment and a new momentum of allegiance, a recital of personal devotion as you are learning true healthy surrender, an expression of thanksgiving while growing in your appreciation for the eternal meanings, an avoidance of emotional tension in the transformation of every limited conflict and perplexing circumstance, a prevention of conflict as you are understanding your creative nature and divine identity, an exaltation of intellection as you raise the mind's usefulness into God knowing, an ennoblement of desire for the procession inwards to the One Absolute, a vindication of moral decision as you converge all choices into God's will, an enrichment of thought building clarity and poise, an invigoration of higher inclinations in developing your soul receptivity, a consecration of impulse and inclination awakening true strength to overcome all ephemeral oppositions, a clarification of viewpoint while illumining purpose and priority, a declaration of faithfulness in growing your personal relationship with Infinity Individualized, a transcendental surrender of will allowing you to become the very Ideal you are aspiring towards, a sublime assertion of confidence and spiritual expectations in bringing forward the indwelling Life while directly empowering conscious awareness, a revelation of courage to face the ephemeral darkness and to overcome its illusory nature, the proclamation of discovery in the assurance of survival of your endowment of personhood, a confession of supreme devotion rejuvenating trust and refreshing you into the glories of Spirit Adjuster collaboration, the validation of consecration bringing experience of the  spiritual realities gaining you spirit ennobling  insight and a righteousness of character, a technique for the adjustment of difficulties as you learn to sacrifice the unreal for the real, and the mighty mobilization of the combined emerging and immortalizing soul powers to withstand all human tendencies toward selfishness, evil, and sin.

You will come to live just such a life of intimate prayerful communion and joyous consecration to the doing of our Father’s will, and your life will expand and express itself triumphantly with just such a life of prayerful contact and Adjuster communication.

The secret of blossoming into this unparalleled religious spiritual life is in the  consciousness of the presence of God who lives in your midst; and you will attain to this wholehearted spirit transmutation by intelligent and intimate prayer, perpetual communion, and sincere adorational praiseful worship; each day building the fortifications of an unbroken contact and awakening communion with God .. and not by any extraordinary circumstances of mystical leadings, other-worldly voices, erratic and unreliable visions, or by the extraordinary religious doctrines, dogmas, and practices.

I have come to lead all sincere believers into all truth .. into the always expansive  knowledge of the experience of reality .. the actual mortal living and growing their spirit insight, divine perception, a spiritually-centric  consciousness of the reality of eternal and ascending sonship with God in the great procession of eternity.

I am come to baptize earnest believers of the gospel of the spirit with an extra-worldly fire of merciful love, a renewal of purpose and eternal priority and impulse towards the fulfillment of your thirst for truth and hunger for Absolute advancement.

Your Comforter baptism begins with your education at The Global Village of Christ Michael and it's Illuminatum College of World Servers as a candidate for the second birth.

This baptismal fire of truth signifies your conscious reception of the gift of My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter.

. . . and your personal acknowledgment of this new spiritual power shall become an augmentation of all spiritual influences previously experienced by you; my Truth Spirit is a conductor of merciful forgiveness .. a unifying force of goodness and an awakening power of truth .. a refreshing stimulant of the living Word of eternity for all God-seeking, God-aspiring, God-disciplining, and God-knowing personality souls upon the earth and every planetary civilization in our universe.

Michael Of Nebadon
Enhanced Urantia Revelations

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Happiness Emerges in My Apostles

Every philosophy which seeks Truth and Objectivity .. which nurtures the unexplainable urge to search for the realities of true attainment and the exacting rewards of the goal of maturity .. these urges and impulses remain passive, directionless, and impotent without striving towards the higher vision of directly personal intimacy with Life and the adorational worshipful stance of thine personality in its personhood communion with the Great Infinity Parenthood of all Life.

Thine existential crisis of meaning and purpose and everlasting security .. these all shall lack the necessary motivations and the overarching driving power unless you reach for Infinity .. and until you resolve for yourself the fact of the Existential Father Son and Spirit.

The civilization is truly in the midst of a quest for Truth and Love .. suffering humanity hath a necessity for their relationship with Us to become emboldened by humility and enlivened by its purity of expression. And these strivings shall only become rectified as you resolve your personality relationship with the Universal Father who hath brought thee forth from out of the great nothingness of Life's fullness.

As you stand upon the great precipice of the very plateau upon which you have been living and pondering .. all impulses for the fulfillment of existence must include Our visionary ideal. The absence of any kind of certainty and the search for this directionization .. the urge to resolve those mortal deficiencies .. all hath been abundantly supplied by this new gospel which I am bringing forth into your view.

Our Eternity Engagement is our walk together into the Unexplainable and Everlasting One .. with its acceleration into cosmic understanding, its bold enhancement of soul insights, its dependable elevation of ideals, and its settledness of all personality goals into the graduation and completion of these grades of learning.

You are each destined .. created .. inspired .. to walk within My Universal Administration and Eternity Care.

With arising into these eternalizing advancements .. and with conquering your plaguing heart's doubts .. and by adhering faithfully to developing loyalty with Truth .. the woe of misgivings shall never subside.

And so shall ye discover with Me thine  wholehearted willingness to enter courageously upon the eternal venture of your cosmic citizenship.

Michael Of Nebadon

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Mission of Salvington The Colleges of the Planetary Civilization is the School of the Planetary Prince upon the earth. Salvington has a mi...